On 27/07/16 11:22, Dick Murray wrote:

Something doesn't add up here... I've run repeated tests with the following
MWE on a 16GB machine with -Xms8g -Xmx8g and the I always get an OOME.

What I don't understand is the size of [B increases with each pass until
the OOME is thrown. The exact same process is run 5 times with a new graph
for each set of triples.

There are ~3.5M triples added within the transaction from a file which is a
"simple" text based file (30Mb) which is read in line pairs.

Err - you said 200k quads earlier!


TransactionManager.QueueBatchSize=0 ;

and break the load into small units for now and see if that helps.

One experiment would be to write the output to disk and load from a program that only does the TDB part.


I've tested sequential loads of other text files (i.e. file x *5) and other
text files loaded sequentally (i.e. file x, file y, file ...) and the same
result is exhibited.

If I reduce -Xmx to 6g it will fail earlier.

Changing the GC using -XX:+UseGC1C doesn't alter the outcome.

I'm running on Ubuntu 16.04 with Java 1.8 and I can replicate this on
Centos 7 with Java 1.8.

Any ideas?

Regards Dick.

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