Well, I could not solve the problem with apache-jena-fuseki-2.4.0 but
 worked without problem.

Do you want me to describe the whole process I did so you could possiby
stacktrace the problem?


2016-09-14 12:11 GMT+02:00 Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>:

> Hi Filip,
> > Error 500: Invalid id node for object (null node):
> > ([0000000000003C3C], [000000000007AA], [0000000000003D18])
> This is usually a sign that the program exits without sync'ing a
> non-transaction TDB database.
> It is possible (probably) that building the inference model in the
> assembler is not transactional.  It becomes transactional on first request.
> So has at any time in the past, not the run which caused the 500, have you
> exited the server during start up (e.g. control-C) or before the first
> request to the inference model?  or another program access the same
> database?
> The other possible cause is two systems trying to modify the same database
> at the same time.  TDB tries to trap this and warn you but the test is not
> perfect.  (It looks like you are on Linux so the test is much better there
> - on Windows, it has been reported that Windows update can cause restarts
> where the process id is reused quiet quickly.)
> Could you please crosslink the stack overflow question to this thread?
> Thanks.
>         Andy
> On 13/09/16 12:32, Filip Masri wrote:
>> Dear Jena Community,
>> I have a following fuseki dataset configuration:
>> @prefix fuseki: <http://jena.apache.org/fuseki#> .
>> @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
>> @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
>> @prefix tdb: <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2008/tdb#> .
>> @prefix ja: <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2005/11/Assembler#> .
>> @prefix sdb: <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2007/sdb#> .
>> [] a fuseki:Server ;
>> fuseki:services ( <#tdb> ) .
>> <#tdb> rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
>>  fuseki:name "ds" ; # http://host/inf
>>  fuseki:serviceQuery           "query" , "sparql" ;
>>  fuseki:serviceUpdate "update" ;
>>  fuseki:dataset <#dataset2> ; #select which set to use
>>  rdfs:label                    "TDB ds" ;
>>  fuseki:serviceReadGraphStore  "get" ;
>>  fuseki:serviceReadWriteGraphStore
>>        "data" ;
>>  fuseki:serviceUpload          "upload" .
>> [] ja:loadClass "com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDB" .
>>  tdb:DatasetTDB rdfs:subClassOf ja:RDFDataset .
>>  tdb:GraphTDB rdfs:subClassOf ja:Model .
>>  <#dataset2> rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ;
>>   ja:defaultGraph <#model2> .
>>  <#model2> a ja:InfModel;
>>   ja:baseModel <#tdbGraph>;
>>   ja:reasoner
>>   [ ja:reasonerURL <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/2003/OWLFBRuleReasoner> ] .
>>  <#tdbGraph> rdf:type tdb:GraphTDB;
>>  tdb:dataset <#tdbDataset> .
>>  <#tdbDataset> rdf:type tdb:DatasetTDB ;
>>  tdb:location "...apache-jena-fuseki-2.4.0/run/databases/ds" .
>> Then I start the server as ./fuseki-server --config=ds.ttl. The reasoner
>> is
>> working. I upload my basic schema saying that SmartPhone is a subClassOf
>> MobilePhone etc...Then I post data about smartphones through the REST API.
>> Everything is working. Now I restart the server.
>> And when quering my data i get
>> Error 500: Invalid id node for object (null node): ([0000000000003C3C],
>> [000000000007AA], [0000000000003D18])
>> Does you know how to configure it correctly? Is it possible?
>> Thanks :)

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