I have a "Document" resource which could contain many "Paragraph" resources.
A same "Paragraph" resource could also be contained by different "Document"

What is the most relevant model to translate such a case in RDF ?
I have two solutions:

Solution 1 (using RDF collections)
[Document_A] --contains--> ( [Paragraph_1], [Paragraph_2] )
[Document_B] --contains--> ( [Paragraph_2] )


Solution 2 (defining the same predicate several times on the same subject)
[Document_A] --contains--> [Paragraph_1]
[Document_A] --contains--> [Paragraph_2]
[Document_B] --contains--> [Paragraph_2]

I think that the Solution 1 requires complex and resource-consuming SPARQL
So to keep it simple, I would choose the Solution 2. But, I don't know if
it's safe and if it's a good practice to define the same predicate several
times on the same subject ?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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