On 30/09/16 12:08, neha gupta wrote:
Hello this does not sum the newly entered goals with the one already saved
in my owl file. Every time I enter new goal (integer value), new data is
saved and does not added(sum) with previously entered values.

You are not showing us the code you are using.

Really, you're not.

> * int goalsss = soln.getLiteral("goal").getInt() ; //return integer value*
> *int totalgoals=goalsss+totalgoals;   // total goals initial value is 0*
> *Literal p = model.createTypedLiteral(totalgoals);*
> * team.setPropertyValue(goals, p);// here goals is property name*

There are these asterisks, which you probably meant as
highlighting. Don't do that. We want to be able to paste
the code you wrote, which should be the same as the code you
sent, into our local editors/IDEs, and tinker with it.
The line

*int totalgoals=goalsss+totalgoals; // total goals initial value is 0*

isn't legal even if you drop the * and pretend it's in the middle
of a function, and

  team.setPropertyValue(goals, p);// here goals is property name*

isn't legal because `team` isn't declared yet.

So if we can't see the code you wrote, we can't tell
whether it's right or not.

  team.setPropertyValue(goals, p);// here goals is property name

setPropertyValue is /documented/ as deleting any previous value
for that property and, if it didn't do that, all sorts of other
things wouldn't work. I think it's more likely that you're
not applying it to the right object -- but since you /don't
show your code/ and /don't show your data/, how are we to tell?


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