No reason to overwrite anything, each event will have attributes, including
a date.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> neha,
> Your question is too open ended.  Sounds like the whole exercise you have
> been asked to do.
> What have you tried?
> Try something and show what you have tried and your thoughts about it. (a
> complete, minimal example - emphasis on "complete" and "minimal").
>         Andy
> On 18/10/16 18:41, neha gupta wrote:
>> Good evening,
>> I have some team information in my ontology i-e team1 wins, goals, Euro
>> goals, Worldcup goals.
>>  team1 information will be stored like this in owl file. After one month,
>> again team1 information will be entered, which of course, will over write
>> the previous one.
>> Can I maintain the information previously entered *(store previous
>> information in some pdf, word format or any other method*) because after
>> one year I have to maintain some statistics of team1 and their performance
>> in the year?

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