Try and see what happens.

It won't work but you can the see the results SPARQL syntax error.


On 01/11/16 16:54, tina sani wrote:
Will simply putting a variable inside a query work?

{?emp rdf:type "+employee+"}";

On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 6:13 PM, lookman sanni <> wrote:

Hi Tina,

You can have your query stored in a composed java string (e.g. String query
= "Select blablabla where { ?emp rdf:type " + someJavaVariable + "}"

Hope that helps
Le 1 nov. 2016 17:02, "tina sani" <> a écrit :


How can I use a Java variable in the SPARQL query.
?emp rdf:type ?SomeVariable

I want rdf:type of Managers and Technicals while these two
and Technicals) are in my Java variable: employee.

So I need something like:

?emp rdf:type "employee"


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