Hi Andy - further info from Ramesh ; thanks for your patience  - he was having 
access accessing /reading MarkMail - so I'm relaying (original from bottom of 
https://developer.jboss.org/thread/272656) :

"Basically what they need to do, replace their ServiceLoader mechanism with 
standard JDBC4 ServiceLoader mechanism like 
 That will register their Driver class, and in their driver class possibly in a 
"static block" call ARQ.init() that will initialize every time one uses their 
JDBC driver. "
-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Seaborne [mailto:a...@apache.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 12:10 PM
To: users@jena.apache.org
Subject: Re: JDBC in Teiid/JBoss NodeValue / ClassNotFounderror

On 01/11/16 14:54, omar.k...@wellsfargo.com wrote:
> Thanks Andy!
> Question - who is responsible for loading the JDBC driver, and how does one 
> load it?
> I'm not clear on exact details on how to get it to work. I reached out to the 
> Teiid team, and Ramesh has a question for you .
> Can you look at the bottom of this thread for the question from Ramesh?
> https://developer.jboss.org/thread/272656

Firstly - I didn't write and don't use jena-jdbc so my level of expertise is 
limited.  The initialization of Jena in shaded jars is something that has come 
up before.

It looks like the problem is at the Jena initialization step, not the loading 
the JDBC driver. That's supposed to be automatic and is - the crash happens 
because the initialization is incomplete or is happening in the wrong order 
because the normal sequence isn't happening.

In yoru code, if you can, call ARQ.init() before anything else.  Calling it 
repeatedly is safe and cheap.

Hopefully RobV can give a better answer for the JDBC aspects.

There is a services/java.sql.Driver - that should cause the JDBC driver to 
load.  Standard way for Java.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Seaborne [mailto:a...@apache.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 5:49 AM
> To: users@jena.apache.org
> Subject: Re: JDBC in Teiid/JBoss NodeValue / ClassNotFounderror
>> I checked and the jena-jdbc-driver-bundle does not set up the 
>> ServiceLoader services correctly.  We'll fix that.
> jena-jdbc-driver-bundle should be fixed (JENA-1255) now. There is a 
> development with it in.
>      Andy
>> But I don't immediately see why using the jars directly does not 
>> work, but that's due to my lack of knowledge about Teiid and JBoss.
>> Is there any repackaging going on?
>>     Andy

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