It is possible to map most data stores to RDF.  But the problems are in the

D2RQ does provide a system for mapping relational tables into RDF format.
However, updates can be problematic.

I would suggest you think about how you would map all the columns in your
current Data storage (assuming relational data store here) onto predicates
in RDF triples and how you would query them and their values.

Suppose you have an table that has multiple columns that have integer
values.  Next you have a query that basically says find me all rows that
have a value of 5 in the integer columns (e.g. SELECT ?x ?y where { ?x ?y 5
} ).  These are, in my opinion, the devilish problems.

So in short, yes it can be done, but it will take some work, and it may not
be the panacea you are looking for.


On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 5:40 PM, maneesh vb <> wrote:

> Dear Team,
> I am new to RDF/SPARQL technology and trying to understand the concepts and
> best practices.
> I understand from Apache Jena documentation that Jena has APIs to implement
> the symantic Layer for data access..
> Current system has multiple data systems and a master data base is built on
> top of that. We are looking for alternate approach of building a symantic
> layer using apache Jena with RDF concepts.
> Also read that D2RQ provides conversion of rdbms database into rdf uris.

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