Thank you Osma,

It works fine, I only had to replace /sparql with /ds/query.

Best Regards,

Am 16.02.2017 um 13:12 schrieb Osma Suominen:
Hi Sandor,

You need to do a federated query. See the SPARQL 1.1 Query spec. Something like this:

  SERVICE <http://other-endpoint/sparql> {
    GRAPH <http://uri-of-graph> {
      ?s ?p ?o


16.02.2017, 14:08, Sandor Kopacsi kirjoitti:
Dear list-member,

I have two Fuseki servers running on two different machines. In one of
them there are several named graphs containing a lot of concepts.

I would like to run a query from another Fuseki server to select all (or
later just some) triplets from this dataset using a query like this:

FROM </URL of the SPARQL endpoint/:3030/ds/query>
WHERE {GRAPH </URI of the graph/>
{?s ?p ?o . }

but it provides empty set:

| s | p | o |

What is wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Dr. Sandor Kopacsi
IT Software Designer

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
A-1010 Vienna

Phone:  +43-1-4277-14176
Mobile: +43-664-60277-14176

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