The idea of "Improve this page" is not to register an issue (which you have 
already done very nicely) but to offer the wording you would actually like to 
see. It's a way to offer a solution to the problem you are raising as you raise 
it, which is one of the most fun parts of participating in open source!

When I look at section 5 of, I 
don't see anything remotely like the wording you are reported, beginning with 
the fact that section five of the current public page is under the heading 
"Controlling Prefixes", not "Reading RDF" as you report. Are you looking at 
some kind of cached off-line version of the site?

A. Soroka
The University of Virginia Library

> On Mar 12, 2017, at 2:51 PM, Aya Hamdy <> wrote:
> I used "Improve this Page"  and commented at the beginning of tutorial 5
> that the Vcards database used in this tutorial is not provided here or on
> the GitHub file for the tutorial. Is that appropriate?      (I am asking
> for future reference because I tried it before but I saw that the tThe
> email went to, but I thought as a user I should contact
> this email list?)
> I am not sure how to be more specific without being confusing,  the problem
> is that tutorial 5 that is documented on this link:
> under heading *"Reading
> RDF" *says
> that the "vc-db-1.rdf" file that is used for this tutorial/exercise and the
> subsequent ones is provided, supposedly, with the GitHb file or something
> on this link:
> .
> However, this file is not provided in either of the two links.
> Does that help? or did I just make it harder for you?
> Regards,
> Aya

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