I'm not aware of any option/flag in Jena that restricts the
expressiveness of the SPARQL language such that a query will be rejected
if it's beyond the configured SPARQL features.

Probably Andy Seaborne knows more

> This seems to be about securing data, or part of a graph. My data is actually 
> all public, and I just want to add some limitations to make sure that people 
> can use my SPARQL endpoint without overloading it at the same time with 
> complex queries that suck up all the resources.
> Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 4:13 PM
> From: "A. Soroka" <aj...@virginia.edu>
> To: users@jena.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Limited HTTP API
> There is some documentation about combining Shiro with jena-permissions 
> available here:
> https://jena.apache.org/documentation/permissions/example.html
> The extent to which that will be useful to you may be limited to the extent 
> to which you can fit the patterns of usage you want to control into the 
> dataset/graph/triple framework over which jena-permissions works.
> ---
> A. Soroka
> The University of Virginia Library
Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center

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