what do you set as classpath? It should link to the Jena libs, i.e. the
*.jar files.
> Hello,
> I am following the documentation on using sparql ... I am trying to learn
> how to query datasets as per this link
> http://jena.apache.org/tutorials/sparql_datasets.html
> under the title Example Data we have a default graph and two namedgraphs
> and then we are supposed to use this command to query them
> *java -cp ... arq.sparql    --graph ds-dft.ttl --namedgraph
> ds-ng-1.ttl --namedgraph ds-ng-2.ttl
>     --query query file*
> whenever I put this command in my terminal it says
> *Error: Could not find or load main class arq.sparql*
> so I use java -cp* ./arq.sparql* ...etc instead, so it does not
> complain about arq.sparql anymore. However it gives me another
> error:
> *Unrecognized option: --graphError: Could not create the Java Virtual
> Machine.Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.*
> I checked online for solutions for this error and they were mostly related
> to creating an environment var JAVA_HOME and give it
>  the path, so I did that, but it did not make any difference.
> I understand from the error that it is complaining that --graph
> is not a valid option for java, but I cannot find a solution
> for that error.
> when I query a single file using bin/sparql it is ok, but when
>  I try to query datasets using arq.sparql it is an issue.
> I thought may be I need to install something on top of Jena for arq, but
> could not find a clue on whether my thoughts are correct or not and
> I could not find a link to download something extra for arq if needed.
> I have spent the whole day on this error, any help?
> Regards,
Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center

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