I don't think that this is possible with the current implementation
since a Function is supposed to return a single value and you'd need
something that returns a set of values resp. bindings.

Have you checked SPARQL SPIN [1]? Maybe this is something you could use.

[1] http://spinrdf.org/

> Hello,
> I have complex SPARQL queries, which I would like to divide into several 
> parts (like function definitions), in order to reuse these parts among 
> different SPARQL queries and in order to make a single SPARQL query easier to 
> understand. What are my options to achieve this?
> I had a look at Jenas built in functionality to support user defined function 
> definitions. The problem with them is that it seems that they can be used 
> only for simple functionality like calculating the max of two integers. But I 
> have quite complex functionality, which I don't want to rewrite in Java. 
> Example:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> select * where {
>   ?s a ?tpe .
>   filter not exists {
>     ?sub rdfs:subClassOf ?tpe .
>     filter (?sub != ?tpe)
>   }
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It would be great if that could be separated into:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> public class MyFunc extends FunctionBase1 {
>     public NodeValue exec(NodeValue v) {
>         return NodeValue.fromSparql("filter not exists {"
>             + "   ?sub rdfs:subClassOf ?tpe ."
>             + "  filter (?sub != ?tpe)"
>             + "}") ;
>     }
> }
> // and then later
> FunctionRegistry.get().put("http://example.org/function#myFunc";, 
> MyFunc.class) ;
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and then:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> prefix fun:<http://example.org/function#>
> select * where {
>   ?s a ?tpe .
>   filter(fun:myFunc(?tpe))
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Basically I'm looking for a way to call a SPARQL query from within a SPARQL 
> query. Is that possible?
Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center

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