You seem to fundamentally misunderstand how the standardisation process works. 
The intent of a standard is never to specify every feature that exists or that 
could exist but rather to specify a set of standard functionality that will be 
useful to end users while also being amenable to multiple interoperable 

For a technology like text indexing where there is a huge variety of approaches 
standardising would be hugely difficult. For example if you pick a particular 
technology e.g. Lucene then you automatically exclude any implementations in 
languages/environments where Lucene is not usable. If you specify a behaviour 
then you potentially create a huge burden for implementers in trying to make 
disparate underlying Technologies produce a specific set of answers is for a 
specific set of standardised test cases that may be of little relation to 
real-world use cases.

Additionally each round of standardisation takes input based upon commonly used 
extensions in the real-world as input and works to standardise those.  At the 
time that SPARQL 1.1 was standardised indexing was not a widely used extension 
so there was no impetus to standardise it. One might imagine that a future 
round of standardisation would choose to consider this as one candidate for a 
new feature in a future  Version of the standard.


On 22/04/2017 11:02, "" <> wrote:

    ...(text search with text-indexing) cannot be offically expressed in  
    I don't think Jena Development was responsible for this, but i assume they  
    know who and i as a user want also know who is in the history of SPARQL  
    development responsible for this idiocy...

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