> Hi Dave, if we have a rule like
> if Person publications less than 10, Person is JuniorResearcher
> if Person publications greater than 10, Person is SeniorResearcher
> If person publication is first less than 10, rules will assign him to
> JuniorResearcher class but when it exceeds 10, becomes SeniorResearcher but
> the JuniorResearcher also be there as rules does not replace the existed
> value with new one.
> This was my query if we put the inferred model to a new model, will the
> rules then be able to replace the previous data?

No no no, I think I already told you that the rule engine is monotonic,
i.e. no data will be removed or changed but only new data will be added
if the data matches a premise of a rule.
Anything else has to be done by yourself in the application code.
> On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Dave Reynolds <dave.e.reyno...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 30/04/17 10:30, tina sani wrote:
>>> I have a model Model1 with all data, having Jena rules. How can I put it
>>> in
>>> another model Model2 which may or may not have any data?
>> The way to add triples from one model to another is to use the
>> unsurprisingly named "add" as any glance at the javadoc would tell you.
>>      model2.add( model1 )
>> If model1 is actually an InfModel with forward rules then what will get
>> added to model2 is the base triples plus all inferred triples.
>> Second, after putting the model in another model, would we able to replace
>>> previous values/data with new one, generated using Jena rules?
>> Question is unclear.
>> Once you have a model you and add or remove triples from it.
>> You can use rules to generate triples.
>> How you connect whatever bit of your code is using rules to whatever bit
>> of your code is holding the data is up to you. There are no out-of-the-box
>> rule builtins to allow you to fire a rule in one model and assert results
>> into another model if that's what you mean.
>> Dave
Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center

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