As far as I remember, Jena has some custom built-ins to handle lists in
RDF very easy [1]

PREFIX list: <>
SELECT ?member {
    ?x :p ?list .     # Some way to find the list
    ?list list:member ?member .

The magic predicate is list:member


> Hi all,
> in advance – sorry for coming up with such basic question here on the
> list, but I simply could not find any suitable instruction on the topic:
> How do I retrieve *all* values (i.e. „objects“) from an rdf:List
> (a.k.a. RDF Collection) at once via SPARQL (on Fuseki) ?   Don’t
> necessarily need the blank or in-between nodes; just the values.
> Any pointer or reference where to look this up is highly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Bardo
Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: - semantic web research center

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