> So this was the trick (it sounds like we have to write Jena rules exactly 
> like SPARQL Syntax) and it worked successfully, hurray.
What else? Jena rules use triple patterns and try to match the RDF triples.
> ________________________________________
> From: Dave Reynolds [dave.e.reyno...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 22 July 2017 21:36
> To: users@jena.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Generic Rule Reasoning over Data using Jena Framework 3.1
> On 22/07/17 19:37, Ullah, Izhar wrote:
>> Many thanks Lorenz and Dave for the correction but I'm afraid it is still 
>> not working. :(
> So look at the individual you expect it to match and work through the
> clauses to check if that can.
> For example, looking at the first few patterns:
>    (?p rdf:type enviot:Phenomenon)
>    (?p enviot:hasField enviot:FieldWithSheep)
>    ...
> You might be thinking those would match :PhenomenonPollution, the type
> matches but the value of :hasField is not :FieldWithSheep but
> :FieldWithSheep1 which is an instance of :FieldWithSheep so no match.
> So maybe you meant that to match a different individual or maybe you
> meant a rule more like:
>    (?p rdf:type enviot:Phenomenon)
>    (?p enviot:hasField ?field)
>    (?field rdf:type enviot:FieldWithSheep)
>    ...
> If that's not enough of a hint then follow my earlier advice and prune
> this down to a complete minimal example. In this case such an example
> would be data with a single individual (ideally expressed in turtle)
> since the class and property declarations are irrelevant to this rule,
> plus a simplified version of rule4 that still doesn't match but you
> think it should.
> Dave
>> Best,
>> Izhar
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Lorenz B. [buehm...@informatik.uni-leipzig.de]
>> Sent: 22 July 2017 10:22
>> To: users@jena.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Generic Rule Reasoning over Data using Jena Framework 3.1
>> Dave is absolutely right! According to the grammar of the Jena rules
>> [1], which among others define nodes as
>> /node/:= /uri-ref/// e.g. http://foo.com/eg or prefix:localname // e.g.
>> rdf:type or </uri-ref/> // e.g. <myscheme:myuri> or ?/varname ///
>> variable or 'a literal' // a plain string literal or 'lex'^^typeURI // a
>> typed literal, xsd:* type names supported or number // e.g. 42 or 25.5
>> you have to use 'false'^^xsd:boolean, i.e. the rule would be
>> [rule4: (?p rdf:type enviot:Phenomenon), (?p enviot:hasField
>> enviot:FieldWithSheep), (?p enviot:hasRainfall
>> enviot:HighIntensiveRain), (?p enviot:hasSoilMoistureCondition
>> enviot:SaturatedSoil), (?p enviot:hasRiparianZone
>> 'false'^^xsd:boolean)      -> (?p rdf:type enviot:RiskOfPollution)]
>> Cheers,
>> Lorenz
>> [1] https://jena.apache.org/documentation/inference/#rules
>>> Hi Izhar,
>>> Not sure I would call that a minimal example.
>>> Without working through any details the first thing I noticed is that
>>> you are testing for enviot:hasRiparianZone with string "false",
>>> whereas your sample data has a boolean false, different things.
>>> That may or may not be the only issue. It would not explain why the
>>> rule would work after OWL inference.
>>> Dave
>>> On 21/07/17 12:48, Ullah, Izhar wrote:
>>>> Dear Lorenz, Adrian and Dave,
>>>> Many thanks for your replies. Actually, the data is so scattered in
>>>> the ontology file I thought it would be really hard for you to
>>>> understand it if I took a sample of it and put it here. Let me try to
>>>> do so. Please have a look at the relevant data related to the rule
>>>> given below:
>>>> <!--
>>>> http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#RiskOfPollution
>>>> -->
>>>>       <owl:Class
>>>> rdf:about="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#RiskOfPollution";>
>>>>           <owl:equivalentClass>
>>>>               <owl:Class>
>>>>                   <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
>>>>                       <rdf:Description
>>>> rdf:about="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#Phenomenon"/>
>>>>                       <owl:Restriction>
>>>>                           <owl:onProperty
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#hasField"/>
>>>>                           <owl:someValuesFrom
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#FieldWithSheep"/>
>>>>                       </owl:Restriction>
>>>>                       <owl:Restriction>
>>>>                           <owl:onProperty
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#hasRainfall"/>
>>>>                           <owl:someValuesFrom
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#HighIntensiveRain"/>
>>>>                       </owl:Restriction>
>>>>                       <owl:Restriction>
>>>>                           <owl:onProperty
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#hasSoilMoistureCondition"/>
>>>>                           <owl:someValuesFrom
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#SaturatedSoil"/>
>>>>                       </owl:Restriction>
>>>>                       <owl:Restriction>
>>>>                           <owl:onProperty
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#hasRiparianZone"/>
>>>>                           <owl:hasValue
>>>> rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean";>false</owl:hasValue>
>>>>                       </owl:Restriction>
>>>>                   </owl:intersectionOf>
>>>>               </owl:Class>
>>>>           </owl:equivalentClass>
>>>>       </owl:Class>
>>>>    <!--
>>>> http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#PhenomenonPollution
>>>> -->
>>>>       <owl:NamedIndividual
>>>> rdf:about="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#PhenomenonPollution";>
>>>>           <rdf:type
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#Phenomenon"/>
>>>>           <hasField
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#FieldWithSheep1"/>
>>>>           <hasRainfall
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#HighIntensiveRain1"/>
>>>>           <hasSoilMoistureCondition
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#SaturatedSoil1"/>
>>>>           <hasRiparianZone
>>>> rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean";>false</hasRiparianZone>
>>>>       </owl:NamedIndividual>
>>>> <!--
>>>> http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#FieldWithSheep1
>>>> -->
>>>>       <owl:NamedIndividual
>>>> rdf:about="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#FieldWithSheep1";>
>>>>           <rdf:type
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#FieldWithSheep"/>
>>>>           <hasSheep
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#SheepDolly2"/>
>>>>       </owl:NamedIndividual>
>>>> <!--
>>>> http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#HighIntensiveRain1
>>>> -->
>>>>       <owl:NamedIndividual
>>>> rdf:about="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#HighIntensiveRain1";>
>>>>           <rdf:type
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#HighIntensiveRain"/>
>>>>           <hasRainfallValue
>>>> rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal";>60.0</hasRainfallValue>
>>>>       </owl:NamedIndividual>
>>>> <!--
>>>> http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#SaturatedSoil1
>>>> -->
>>>>       <owl:NamedIndividual
>>>> rdf:about="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#SaturatedSoil1";>
>>>>           <rdf:type
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#SaturatedSoil"/>
>>>>           <hasSoilMoistureValue
>>>> rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal";>650</hasSoilMoistureValue>
>>>>       </owl:NamedIndividual>
>>>> <!--
>>>> http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#hasRiparianZone
>>>> -->
>>>>       <owl:DatatypeProperty
>>>> rdf:about="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#hasRiparianZone";>
>>>>           <rdf:type
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#FunctionalProperty"/>
>>>>           <rdfs:range
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean"/>
>>>>       </owl:DatatypeProperty>
>>>> <owl:Restriction>
>>>>                           <owl:onProperty
>>>> rdf:resource="http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#hasRiparianZone"/>
>>>>                           <owl:hasValue
>>>> rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean";>false</owl:hasValue>
>>>>                       </owl:Restriction>
>>>> The rule from the rule file (along with all prefixes) is given below:
>>>> @prefix enviot:
>>>> <http://www.environmental-iot.com/enviot_ontology/IotSemanticModel#>.
>>>> @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>.
>>>> @prefix time: <http://www.w3.org/2006/time#>.
>>>> @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>.
>>>> @prefix sf: <http://www.opengis.net/ont/sf#>.
>>>> @prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>.
>>>> @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>.
>>>> @prefix muo: <http://purl.oclc.org/NET/muo/muo#>.
>>>> @prefix ssn: <http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn#>.
>>>> @prefix DUL: <http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#>.
>>>> @prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>.
>>>> @prefix geosparql: <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#>.
>>>> @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.
>>>> @prefix wgs84_pos: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>.
>>>> @prefix geof: <http://www.opengis.net/def/function/geosparql/>.
>>>> [rule4: (?p rdf:type enviot:Phenomenon), (?p enviot:hasField
>>>> enviot:FieldWithSheep), (?p enviot:hasRainfall
>>>> enviot:HighIntensiveRain), (?p enviot:hasSoilMoistureCondition
>>>> enviot:SaturatedSoil), (?p enviot:hasRiparianZone “false”)      ->
>>>> (?p rdf:type enviot:RiskOfPollution)]
>>>> If you need further information or chuck of the data regarding the
>>>> rule please let me know.
>>>> I would really appreciate your effort, time and help.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Izhar
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: Lorenz Buehmann [buehm...@informatik.uni-leipzig.de]
>>>> Sent: 21 July 2017 09:59
>>>> To: users@jena.apache.org
>>>> Subject: Re: Generic Rule Reasoning over Data using Jena Framework 3.1
>>>> Exactly, and this should be quite obvious.
>>>> How can we explain why _your rule_ doesn't fire on _your data_
>>>> without seing
>>>> * the rule and
>>>> * sample data
>>>> At least the rule should be shown here. And if you're not allowed to
>>>> publish the data you should make an anonymized, minimal sample (it's
>>>> usually enough to replace the URIs by some simply URIs) and post it here
>>>> as well.
>>>> On 20.07.2017 22:28, Dave Reynolds wrote:
>>>>> Don't see any way anyone can help without at least seeing the rule
>>>>> that doesn't fire!
>>>>> [And I'm not offering off-list consultancy, please do not send me any
>>>>> confidential data!]
>>>>> However, if it runs after you've done a full inference closure then
>>>>> presumably that's the issue. It suggests that your rule is relying on
>>>>> some OWL inference and won't fire on the raw data. In which case you
>>>>> either need to modify your rule to not require that inference or
>>>>> extend your rule set to perform the required OWL inference (if
>>>>> possible, and bearing in mind that forward rules won't see the results
>>>>> of backward inference).
>>>>> If that doesn't help then I suggest you cut both your data and rule
>>>>> down a complete minimal example that is sufficiently abstract you can
>>>>> post it.
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> On 20/07/17 21:07, Ullah, Izhar wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I am trying to reason over data using Jena rules (a separate txt
>>>>>> file) and a data file (which is an ontology file having instances).
>>>>>> Just to give an idea of how my simple code looks like, have a look at
>>>>>> the piece of code given below:
>>>>>> public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException {
>>>>>>      Model instances = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
>>>>>>         instances.read
>>>>>> ("/Users/Desktop/Ontology/IoT-Ontology-file.owl", "TURTLE");
>>>>>>         Reasoner reasoner = new
>>>>>> GenericRuleReasoner(Rule.rulesFromURL("/Users/Desktop/rules_iot.txt"));
>>>>>>      reasoner.setDerivationLogging(true);
>>>>>>      InfModel inf = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, instances);
>>>>>> Let me clearly say that the above code is not complete. I have run my
>>>>>> code over three Jena rules successfully and derived/inferred new
>>>>>> facts from the data file (ontology file) but it does not work for one
>>>>>> rule. It does not give any error but the rule seems to be not firing.
>>>>>> Though, when I run the Ontology reasoner (Pellet reasoner) over my
>>>>>> ontology, it successfully fires and infers a new fact.
>>>>>> Can someone please help me out? I can't send my data file (ontology
>>>>>> file) to the group because of confidentiality and privacy issues but
>>>>>> I can send it to a particular individual at his/her email address who
>>>>>> could help.
>>>>>> Should you require any further information please let me know.
>>>>>> Many thanks in advance.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Izhar
>> --
>> Lorenz Bühmann
>> AKSW group, University of Leipzig
>> Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center
Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center

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