On 18/01/18 16:48, Dick Murray wrote:
Is it possible to get a Pair<String, String> lexvo (left) code/002 (right)
from abbrev  given the prefix map entry;

In Turtle the "/"  would need escaping as "\/".

lexvo http://lexvo.org/id/

and the URI;


PrefixMapStd (actually base call) returns null because the call to;

protected Pair<String, String> abbrev(Map<String, IRI> prefixes, String
uriStr, boolean checkLocalPart)

has checkLocalPart as true and the call to strSafeFor fails the "/" test.

That's a quick, partial check and there there is a later test as well in NodeFormatterTTL.

Neither allow for rewriting the local part (at the moment).


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