I don't know about escaping the values but there are 2 constructs that
might help you.

One is VALUES https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#inline-data

query="select * where { VALUES ?sbj { <http://example.org/Alice>
<http://example.org/Bob <http://example.org/Alice>> } $sbj a []  }"

and the other is IN https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-in

query="select * where { $sbj a []. FILTER( $sbj in ( <
http://example.org/Alice>, <http://example.org/Bob
<http://example.org/Alice>> )}"

I suspect VALUES will serve you better as it can handle multiple parameters
and I think it is slightly more efficient in filtering the data stream
(though I could be wrong here).


On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 8:30 AM, Laura Morales <laure...@mail.com> wrote:

> Is it possible to send a parameterized query to fuseki? I mean sending a
> query along with a list of parameters, more or less like this
> format=json
> query="select * where { $sbj a [] }"
> sbj="<http://example.org/Alice>"
> similar to SQL parameterized queries, where parameters are automatically
> escaped in order to prevent injection attacks.
> I know this would be more of a client issue than server, but I can't find
> any library that does this, so I was wondering if Fuseki has anything like
> this built in. In particular, I'd need a library for Python. Do you guys
> know any by chance?

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