On 19/04/18 14:19, Osma Suominen wrote:
Hi Andy!

Okay, I finally found the time to package these for you. I will send you URL links in a separate message.

12:04:11 ERROR NodeTableTRDF        ::
Bad encoding: NodeId = [0x    1C1E78F3]
 No conversion to a Node: <RDF_Term >

Some investigation:

[0x 1C1E78F3] is not a valid NodeId - it does not point to decodable bytes. The number if a file offset. The file is 511,121,653 bytes, 0x1E7718F5, so it is pointing into the middle of the file.

Starting for the start, the last valid nodes is 0x1BFEA0FD. At that point, something yucky happens. The next bytes can't be decoded. This may or may not be related.

[0x        1BFEA14C] ** Bad read ** don't know what type: 14

so we have:

[0x        1BFEA0AF] <http://data.europa.eu/esco/isco>
[0x        1BFEA0D3] <http://data.europa.eu/esco/isco/C2631>
[0x        1BFEA0FD]
[0x        1BFEA14C] ** Bad read ** don't know what type: 14

The file realigns after some junk bytes.

This could be something partial from a crash but it could be relate to why 0x1C1E78F3 is not valid.

Was anything happening at or after the time that data was loaded?
(I haven't worked up when it was loaded)

Other findings:

I see several "Failed to to LOAD" in the logs connected with some data transfer issues:

e.g. logs/fuseki.log-20180413

[3] POST http://localhost:3030/finto/update
[line: 453450, col: 14] Bad input stream [java.io.EOFException: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream] [3] 500 Failed to LOAD 'http://dev.finto.fi/download/paikat/paikka-skos.ttl' (26.277 s)

which looks like a truncated HTTP request using compression.


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