I have a problem with understanding Jena permissions.

I have an application which creates named graphs, uploads and reads those
through Fuseki. I would like to add some security and create different
access rules for different users etc. As the documentation (
https://jena.apache.org/documentation/permissions/) says, it can be done
with my own Security Evaluator implementation.

What I don't understand is where and how exactly permissions should be
added. Should they be only at Fuseki side? If so, then how can Fuseki
understand to process each model as secured model? If I wish to create
secured model at the side of application, then I have to use this method:
Factory.getInstance( SecurityEvaluator, String, Model );
which requires the SecurityEvaluator at the application side too. But if I
add it there, then there is no sense in having the security evaluator at
Fuseki side.

My problem is that even though I added the permissions jar with my own
SecurityEvaluator (a bit modified ShiroExampleEvaluator) to Fuseki
correctly (with this example
https://jena.apache.org/documentation/permissions/example.html), I cannot
get it to process data through it. Fuseki is not seeing the incoming data
as secured models.

So, in short, the question is - how to set up Fuseki in such way, that it
would see all incoming models as secured models and check the access level
for those?
And if it is impossible, what is the right way to add the permissions?

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