On 19/06/18 16:47, Dan Pritts wrote:

Running without incident since the 14th.  Maximum RSS has been just over 16GB, Maximum VSIZE has been just over 28GB.  None of the ballooning of vsize to 48GB. Maximum heap before GC is under 4GB.

So whatever triggered the problem hasn't recurred.  I'm going to see if i can recreate it by replaying traffic from the logs, but unfortunately that won't include any updates (have apache logs - query strings are being logged, but updates are posts which aren't logged).

That said, that 16GB RSS is a lot bigger than the 13.4GB I calculated back-of-the-envelope.  If the heap's only using 4GB, and other JVM memory pools another gig (guesstimate), then why is NIO using 11GB to cache a 2.5GB database?

No idea.

For a database that does fit in RAM, the actual RAM size is a bit bigger than the disk size (e.g. nodes are UTF-8 on disk and Java strings in RAM so x2 bytes + string overheads and this is in-heap).


In Fuseki with Jetty, there are quite a few Jetty threads but I believe they are reused and new threads aren't being created and destroyed. If that's right, this (slightly scary) NIO effect size will get to the size of "num threads * max buffer size" and stay there. It's not heap. As far as I know, there isn't any arbitrary sized I/O buffers around.

TL;DR: The Java NIO API caches a maximum-sized direct ByteBuffer for each thread, which looks like a native memory leak if you read or write large blocks from many threads. You can easily patch the JDK yourself to work around this problem. Always use direct ByteBuffers with Java NIO APIs for the best performance, and to avoid this "leak." Under the covers, heap ByteBuffers are copied to temporary direct ByteBuffers on each I/O call. [Update 2016-02-10: JDK 9 has a property to control this (Thanks Tony!). Run services with -Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize=262144 to avoid this problem.]

I wonder if this is my problem.  Grepping around in the tdb(1) source, i see the following mentions to allocateDirect:

BufferAllocatorDirect.java: * Delegates to {@link ByteBuffer#allocateDirect(int)}. BufferAllocatorDirect.java:        return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(capacity) ;
BufferChannel.java:    // TODO Consider use of allocateDirect

BufferAllocatorDirect is not used by default - it is used only is journal spilling to disk for large transactions is enabled which is not the default. (aside to all: if you are in this situation, please consider TDB2)

...and a separate BufferAllocatorMapped class.  I'm not a java programmer, so it's not simple for me to track what's getting used where, but the TODO makes me wonder.

Good find - the TODO is misleading though.

Direct ByteBuffers aren't used normally.

If you get a chance to dump threads and heap as per Rob's suggestion, that would be great. I can't see a reason for what you are seeing at the moment.


Dan Pritts <mailto:da...@umich.edu>
June 15, 2018 at 11:38 AM
Will do, thanks.

Dan Pritts <mailto:da...@umich.edu>
June 14, 2018 at 10:48 PM

So the issue is that memory goes up, that is the heap expands to the maximum Xmx size set?  The JVM does not return any heap back to the OS (as far as I know) so if all the applications grow their heaps, the real RAM to match that or swapping may result.
Hi Andy,

thanks for taking the time to help.

The problem is that the NON-HEAP memory usage skyrockets.

I "allocate" memory for the heap.    The gc logs suggested that I was never exceeding 6GB of heap in use, even when things went to hell.  So I set the heap to 10GB.

Now that I know we're using NIO, I "allocate" memory for NIO to hold the entire index in ram.  the db is 2.4GB on disk.  I don't know NIO well but this seems plausible.

let's throw another gig at java for its own internal use.

That would add up to 10 + 2.4 + 1 = 13.4GB of memory i might expect java to use.  There's nothing else on the server except apache, linux, and a few system daemons (postfix, etc).

I upgraded to 3.7 and put fuseki on its own AWS instance last night. RAM was 16GB and swap 10GB.

once today it filled ram & swap such that linux whacked the jvm process.  Two other times today it was swapping heavily (5GB or swap used) and we restarted fuseki before the system  ran out of swap.

For some reason, the JVM running fuseki+jetty is going nuts with its memory usage.  It *is* using more heap than usual when this happens, but it's not using more than the 10GB I allocated.   At least, not according to the garbage collection logs.

We have had this problem a few times in the past - memory usage would spike drastically.  We'd always attributed it to a slow memory leak, and decided we should restart fuseki regularly.  But in the last couple weeks it's happened probably a dozen times.

after the third time today, I put it on a 32GB instance.  Of course, the problem hasn't happened since.

A couple of possibilities:

1/ A query does an ORDER BY that involves a large set of results to sort. This then drives up the heap requirement, the JVM gorws the heap and now the process is larger.  There may well be a CPU spike at this time.

2/ Updates are building up. The journal isn't flushed to the main database until there is a quiet moment and with the high query rate you may get bursts of time when it is not quiet.  The updates are safe in the journal (the commit happened) but also in-memory as an overlay on the database.  The overlays are collapsed when there are no readers or writers.

What might be happening is that there isn't a quiet moment.
The traffic is certainly steady - it was about 1500 hits/minute today when we first crashed.
Big sudden jump would imply a big update as well.

Setting the log into INFO (and, yes, at load it does get big)

What you are looking for is overlaps of query/updates so that the log shows true concurrent execution (i.e [1] starts, [2] starts, [1] finishes logged after [2] starts) around the time the size grows quickly and check the size of updates.
I will look for this.  I am dubious, though.  We don't make many writes, and those we do are not very big.  Our dataset is metadata about our archive.  The archive is 50 years old, and grows steadily but slowly.

we had disabled the fuseki log but left httpd logging enabled because each was huge.  Unfortunately the updates were all in POSTs, which i hadn't noticed until i went looking just now.  So I will have to wait until next time.


Dan Pritts <mailto:da...@umich.edu>
June 12, 2018 at 10:49 PM
We had the problem again today.

Load was higher than average, but again not lunacy - about 3k hits per minute.  There is no immediately obviously bad query, although i hardly know what to look for in the sparql - i just looked for extra-long statements.  Nothing in the fuseki.log at all within an hour of the event.   As you know the logs are verbose, so we have logging set to "WARN" for just about everything.   I'll append the log4j.properties to the end of this message - if there's something in particular that'd be useful to turn up, let me know.

I upgraded our dev & test to 3.7.0 today, am doing production tonight.  Also recreated the database from a backup, and am looking to verify that all db changes made since the 3.6 upgrade made it into fuseki.

For background, could you share a directory listing with files sizes?

total 2.8G
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 GOSP.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 GOSP.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 GPOS.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 GPOS.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 GSPO.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 GSPO.idn
-rw-rw-r--. 1 fuseki fuseki    0 Jun 12 15:27 journal.jrnl
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 208M Jun 12 15:27 node2id.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki  32M Jun 12 10:55 node2id.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 545M Jun 12 15:27 nodes.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 784M Jun 12 15:27 OSP.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 OSPG.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 OSPG.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki  88M Jun 12 11:09 OSP.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 760M Jun 12 15:27 POS.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 POSG.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 POSG.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki  88M Jun 12 11:09 POS.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 prefix2id.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 prefix2id.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki    0 Feb 18 11:30 prefixes.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 prefixIdx.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 prefixIdx.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 808M Jun 12 15:27 SPO.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 SPOG.dat
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki 8.0M Feb 18 11:30 SPOG.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki  96M Jun 12 11:09 SPO.idn
-rw-r--r--. 1 fuseki fuseki  20K Feb 18 11:33 stats.opt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 fuseki fuseki    5 Jun 12 12:30 tdb.lock

When you restart - looks like that 10G is the mapped file space being dropped. Mapping on-demand in chunks, so on restart it is very small and grows over time. It should reach a steady state. It should not cause swapping or GC.
Yes, I noticed that the server actually uses more Vsize than it's using virtual memory (swap + ram), i figured it was something along those lines.  But when I referred to memory + swap used, i meant the actual RSS as reported by ps, plus the inferred swap usage (swap before and after fuseki restart).

I was running "ps" & "free" every couple minutes.  As you can see between 12:24 & 12:26 fuseki's memory usage skyrockets.

I've mildly edited the below but the numbers are all unmolested.

Tue Jun 12 12:18:01 EDT 2018
USER                 PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS      TTY      STAT START   TIME   COMMAND fuseki             32175 23.1 65.3 41186832 21496864 ?        Sl Jun11 04:41:46 /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_1.8.0/bin/java -Xmx16G -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/etc/archonnex/fuseki/log4j.properties [ gc logging options here ]  -jar /usr/local/apache-jena-fuseki-3.6.0/fuseki-server.jar --config=/etc/archonnex/fuseki/fcrepo.ttl

             total       used       free     shared buffers     cached
Mem:      32877320   31168460    1708860        416 3184     961276
-/+ buffers/cache:   30204000    2673320
Swap:     27257848    3145708   24112140


Tue Jun 12 12:22:01 EDT 2018
fuseki             32175 23.1 66.5 41383440 21870824 ?        Sl Jun11 04:43:32 /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_1.8.0/bin/java -Xmx16G
Mem:      32877320   31314128    1563192        488 1880     720456
-/+ buffers/cache:   30591792    2285528
Swap:     27257848    3145256   24112592

Tue Jun 12 12:24:01 EDT 2018
fuseki             32175 23.2 64.9 40859152 21352808 ?        Sl Jun11 04:44:19 /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_1.8.0/bin/java -Xmx16G -
Mem:      32877320   31276020    1601300        504 2104    1231452
-/+ buffers/cache:   30042464    2834856
Swap:     27257848    3094076   24163772

Tue Jun 12 12:26:02 EDT 2018
fuseki             32175 23.3 82.6 49183252 27179308 ?        Sl Jun11 04:46:21 /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_1.8.0/bin/java -Xmx16G
Mem:      32877320   32655256     222064        476 1516      25612
-/+ buffers/cache:   32628128     249192
Swap:     27257848    8361760   18896088

Tue Jun 12 12:28:01 EDT 2018
fuseki             32175 23.5 71.6 48702204 23540952 ?        Sl Jun11 04:49:44 /etc/alternatives/java_sdk_1.8.0/bin/java -Xmx16G
Mem:      32877320   30432416    2444904        484 2132     239924
-/+ buffers/cache:   30190360    2686960
Swap:     27257848   10598088   16659760

Java monitoring of the heap size should show the heap in use after a major GC to be a different, smaller size.
Yesterday I fixed the garbage collection logging.  I looked at it with gceasy.io; There is nothing horribly wrong there.  Heap doesn't go above 7GB, even when things went to hell.     heap usage did increase significantly at the time of the problems - note the repeated Full GC's.

2018-06-12T12:22:28.779-0400: 73381.748: [GC (System.gc())
Desired survivor size 134742016 bytes, new threshold 9 (max 15)
[PSYoungGen: 3068955K->7622K(5460480K)] 3087627K->26295K(6654976K), 0.0068808 secs] [Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.01 secs]

2018-06-12T12:22:28.786-0400: 73381.755: [Full GC (System.gc()) [PSYoungGen: 7622K->0K(5460480K)] [ParOldGen: 18672K->24964K(1194496K)] 26295K->24964K(6654976K), [Metaspace: 34037K->34037K(1081344K)], 0.1054190 secs] [Times: user=0.57 sys=0.00, real=0.10 secs]

2018-06-12T12:23:22.592-0400: 73435.562: [GC (System.gc())
Desired survivor size 130547712 bytes, new threshold 8 (max 15)
[PSYoungGen: 2440898K->2816K(5455872K)] 2465863K->27780K(6650368K), 0.0037102 secs] [Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]

2018-06-12T12:23:22.596-0400: 73435.566: [Full GC (System.gc()) [PSYoungGen: 2816K->0K(5455872K)] [ParOldGen: 24964K->27048K(1194496K)] 27780K->27048K(6650368K), [Metaspace: 34037K->34037K(1081344K)], 0.1114969 secs] [Times: user=0.61 sys=0.00, real=0.11 secs]

2018-06-12T12:24:02.404-0400: 73475.374: [GC (Allocation Failure)
Desired survivor size 175112192 bytes, new threshold 7 (max 15)
[PSYoungGen: 5324288K->127456K(5377536K)] 5351336K->201416K(6572032K), 0.1020528 secs] [Times: user=0.66 sys=0.00, real=0.10 secs]

2018-06-12T12:24:29.348-0400: 73502.318: [GC (System.gc())
Desired survivor size 193986560 bytes, new threshold 6 (max 15)
[PSYoungGen: 880066K->129888K(5380096K)] 954027K->203848K(6574592K), 0.0642832 secs] [Times: user=0.33 sys=0.00, real=0.06 secs]

2018-06-12T12:24:29.412-0400: 73502.382: [Full GC (System.gc()) [PSYoungGen: 129888K->0K(5380096K)] [ParOldGen: 73960K->196536K(1194496K)] 203848K->196536K(6574592K), [Metaspace: 34037K->34037K(1081344K)], 0.3551479 secs] [Times: user=1.78 sys=0.00, real=0.35 secs]

2018-06-12T12:27:48.073-0400: 73701.045: [GC (System.gc())
Desired survivor size 186646528 bytes, new threshold 5 (max 15)
[PSYoungGen: 2862549K->16720K(5409792K)] 3059085K->213256K(6604288K), 2.1344761 secs] [Times: user=1.07 sys=0.09, real=2.13 secs]

2018-06-12T12:27:50.210-0400: 73703.179: [Full GC (System.gc()) [PSYoungGen: 16720K->0K(5409792K)] [ParOldGen: 196536K->206591K(1194496K)] 213256K->206591K(6604288K), [Metaspace: 34037K->34037K(1081344K)], 2.9111523 secs] [Times: user=2.51 sys=0.09, real=2.91 secs]

If that is not how it is, there is something to investigate.


> thanks
> danno
Dan Pritts <mailto:da...@umich.edu>
June 11, 2018 at 5:28 PM
Hi all,

we've been having trouble with our production fuseki instance.  a few specifics:

fuseki 3.6.0, standalone/jetty.  OpenJDK on RHEL6.   On an m4.2xlarge, shared with two other applications.

we have about 21M triples in the database.  We hit fuseki medium hard, on the order of 1000 hits per minute.  99%+ of the hits are queries. Our code could stand to do some client-side caching, we get lots of repetitive queries.  That said, fuseki is normally plenty fast at those, it's rare that it takes >10ms on a query.

It looks like i'm getting hit by JENA-1516, I will schedule an upgrade to 3.7 ASAP.

The log is full of errors like this.

[2018-06-11 16:15:07] BindingTDB ERROR get1(?s)
org.apache.jena.tdb.base.file.FileException: ObjectFileStorage.read[nodes](488281706)[filesize=569694455][file.size()=569694455]: Failed to read the length : got 0 bytes         at org.apache.jena.tdb.base.objectfile.ObjectFileStorage.read(ObjectFileStorage.java:341)

[2018-06-11 16:15:39] BindingTDB ERROR get1(?identifier)
org.apache.jena.tdb.base.file.FileException: In the middle of an alloc-write         at org.apache.jena.tdb.base.objectfile.ObjectFileStorage.read(ObjectFileStorage.java:311)         at org.apache.jena.tdb.base.objectfile.ObjectFileWrapper.read(ObjectFileWrapper.java:57)
        at org.apache.jena.tdb.lib.NodeLib.fetchDecode(NodeLib.java:78)

The problem that got me looking is that fuseki memory usage goes nuts, which causes the server to start swapping, etc.  Swapping = slow = pager.    Total memory + swap in use by fuseki when I investigated  was about 32GB; It's configured to use a 16GB heap. Garbage collection logging was not configured properly, so I can't say whether my immediate problem was heap exhaustion.

I'm monitoring swap usage hourly - sometime in a <1hr timeframe the swap usage increased past 2GB (10%) to about 11GB (10 of which was cleared after I restarted fuseki).  So the memory ballooned fairly quickly when it happened.

The TDB errors happen much earlier than that memory goes nuts. Obviously, could be a delayed effect of this problem, but I'm wondering:

-  if this rings a bell in some other way - how much memory should I expect fuseki to need?
-  if there is any particular debugging I should enable
-  if our traffic level is out of the ordinary


Dan Pritts <mailto:da...@umich.edu>
June 11, 2018 at 5:28 PM
Hi all,

we've been having trouble with our production fuseki instance.  a few specifics:

fuseki 3.6.0, standalone/jetty.  OpenJDK on RHEL6.   On an m4.2xlarge, shared with two other applications.

we have about 21M triples in the database.  We hit fuseki medium hard, on the order of 1000 hits per minute.  99%+ of the hits are queries. Our code could stand to do some client-side caching, we get lots of repetitive queries.  That said, fuseki is normally plenty fast at those, it's rare that it takes >10ms on a query.

It looks like i'm getting hit by JENA-1516, I will schedule an upgrade to 3.7 ASAP.

The log is full of errors like this.

[2018-06-11 16:15:07] BindingTDB ERROR get1(?s)
org.apache.jena.tdb.base.file.FileException: ObjectFileStorage.read[nodes](488281706)[filesize=569694455][file.size()=569694455]: Failed to read the length : got 0 bytes         at org.apache.jena.tdb.base.objectfile.ObjectFileStorage.read(ObjectFileStorage.java:341)

[2018-06-11 16:15:39] BindingTDB ERROR get1(?identifier)
org.apache.jena.tdb.base.file.FileException: In the middle of an alloc-write         at org.apache.jena.tdb.base.objectfile.ObjectFileStorage.read(ObjectFileStorage.java:311)         at org.apache.jena.tdb.base.objectfile.ObjectFileWrapper.read(ObjectFileWrapper.java:57)
        at org.apache.jena.tdb.lib.NodeLib.fetchDecode(NodeLib.java:78)

The problem that got me looking is that fuseki memory usage goes nuts, which causes the server to start swapping, etc.  Swapping = slow = pager.    Total memory + swap in use by fuseki when I investigated was about 32GB; It's configured to use a 16GB heap.  Garbage collection logging was not configured properly, so I can't say whether my immediate problem was heap exhaustion.

I'm monitoring swap usage hourly - sometime in a <1hr timeframe the swap usage increased past 2GB (10%) to about 11GB (10 of which was cleared after I restarted fuseki).  So the memory ballooned fairly quickly when it happened.

The TDB errors happen much earlier than that memory goes nuts. Obviously, could be a delayed effect of this problem, but I'm wondering:

-  if this rings a bell in some other way - how much memory should I expect fuseki to need?
-  if there is any particular debugging I should enable
-  if our traffic level is out of the ordinary


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