
It does not appear to be the GROUP_CONCAT.

I get "Connection reset by peer" when its commented out. Maybe there is some sort of intermediate process - if the GROUP_CONCAT with () is in a comment, it does not work; if it is omitted completely it does.

"Connection reset by peer" is something to take up with the operators of the service as is the different behaviour from different places.


On 21/06/18 15:43, Andrea Turbati wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've found a strange behaviour when executing a SPARQL query having GROUP_CONCAT on a Jena-Fuseki SPARQL endpoint.

Executing, for example, the following query:

SELECT DISTINCT ?resource  (GROUP_CONCAT( ?singleLabel; separator=",") AS ?multiLabel )

     ?resource a <> .
    ?resource (<> | <>) ?skosxlLabel .     ?skosxlLabel <> ?singleLabel .
     FILTER regex(str(?singleLabel), 'dog', 'i')

GROUP BY ?resource

on the AGROVOC SPARQL endpoint at  (it's using apache-jena-fuseki-3.6.0 and it has no GUI, so you need to use another GUI, for example ) you get no answer, unless you do such query from one of Tor Vergata IPs (Tor Vergata is hosting such SPARQL endpoint).

If I remove

(GROUP_CONCAT( ?singleLabel; separator=",") AS ?multiLabel )

then I'm able to execute such query from every where.

Does any of you know why I get such strange behaviour? How can I fix the problem (apart from doing a SPARQL query without the GROUP )

Thank you for your answer



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