You're doing a POST request but supplying a URL query as if it was GET?

On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 12:24 PM, Brice Sommacal <>

> Hello,
> I use the last distribution of Fuseki which is initialized with a TDB2
> dataset [1].
> Working with the user interface, everything os working well. I mean I am
> able to retrieve results from a select query and then download it.
> Going one step further, I would like to automate dataset update and dataset
> queries restitution.
> I am able to run SPARQL Update query within culr (using SPARQL INSERT
> inside a ttl file).
> I am also able to get SPARQL Result JSON objects using commands line like
> the following :
> curl
> http://localhost:3030/Metro/query?query=PREFIX+rdf%3A+%
> .]
> However,  if I specify the header to return XML result set, it keeps
> outputting the data in a JSON format.
> Here is my command : curl
> http://localhost:3030/Metro/query?query=PREFIX+rdf%3A+%
> .]   -X POST  -H 'Accept:+application/sparql-results+xml'
> I don't know what could be wrong. I am not an expert using curl... But
> syntax that I have seen on forums looks like the same...
> > Do you have an idea of what I am doing wrong?
> Regards,
> Brice
> [1] there is a huge progress between TDB1 and TDB2 (also fuseki 1 and 2).
> Thanks a lot to the community to make it available.

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