Good evening,
I am trying to get through the tutorial (I am beginner) and I am experiencing 
unexpected behavior of these queries (even if Im copypasting the tutorials):
Here is the link to referenced tutorial page:

First attempt, this query works fine: 

PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX : <.>

{ ?s ?p ?o }


| s            | p       | o                                         |
| :ds-ng-2.ttl | dc:date | "2005-09-22T05:53:05+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime |
| :ds-ng-1.ttl | dc:date | "2005-07-14T03:18:56+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime |

Second, this works pretty good too:

PREFIX  xsd:    <>
PREFIX  dc:     <>
PREFIX  :       <.>

    { ?s ?p ?o } UNION { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }

Results not absolutely the same (the referenced named graph names are not 
exactly the same in the first and the third column (the colon missing and the 
<> instead), and I was not able to change this, although I was trying pretty 
hard as I thought that there could be the cause of my issue)

| s            | p        | o                                         | g       
| :ds-ng-2.ttl | dc:date  | "2005-09-22T05:53:05+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime |         
| :ds-ng-1.ttl | dc:date  | "2005-07-14T03:18:56+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime |         
| _:b0         | dc:title | "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" | 
<ds-ng-1.ttl> |
| _:b1         | dc:title | "Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone" | 
<ds-ng-1.ttl> |
| _:b2         | dc:title | "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"   | 
<ds-ng-2.ttl> |
| _:b3         | dc:title | "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" | 
<ds-ng-2.ttl> |

Now, this query is the first that doesnt work at all:

PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX : <.>

SELECT ?title
  GRAPH :ds-ng-2.ttl
    { ?b dc:title ?title }

Results are blank all the time:
| title |

Same result with this query:

PREFIX  xsd:    <>
PREFIX  dc:     <>
PREFIX  :       <.>

SELECT ?date ?title
  ?g dc:date ?date . FILTER (?date > "2005-08-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime )
  GRAPH ?g
      { ?b dc:title ?title }

I have tried many things I googled out (but no exact solution for this problem) 
and nothing worked, I have no idea what could be wrong.

Thanks for every support.

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