Hi Joachim,

I've recorded this as



* Using a different version of Jena other than 3.8.0 will work.

* Convert to quads and load the N-Quiads or Trig file.


On 11/07/18 11:48, Neubert, Joachim wrote:
With Fuseki 3.8.0 and the command line

java -cp /opt/fuseki/fuseki-server.jar tdb.tdbloader 
--loc=/zbw/var/lib/fuseki/databases/temp --graph=http://zbw.eu/beta/ebds/ng  

I get

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.jena.tdb.store.GraphTxnTDB cannot be 
cast to org.apache.jena.tdb.store.GraphNonTxnTDB
         at tdb.cmdline.CmdTDBGraph.getGraph(CmdTDBGraph.java:69)
         at tdb.tdbloader.loadNamedGraph(tdbloader.java:127)
         at tdb.tdbloader.exec(tdbloader.java:117)
         at jena.cmd.CmdMain.mainMethod(CmdMain.java:93)
         at jena.cmd.CmdMain.mainRun(CmdMain.java:58)
         at jena.cmd.CmdMain.mainRun(CmdMain.java:45)
         at tdb.tdbloader.main(tdbloader.java:48)

The same call and the same kind of input seems to have worked with Fuseki 3.6.0.

Help highly appreciated - cheers, Joachim

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