I use shiro.ini as follows.  I did this so I could have our monitoring system do queries, while our primary consumer software had full privileges.     I presume, but honestly don't know for sure, that the /foo/query URL allows queries only.

Note that the write_user needs to have both reader_role and writer_role.

# Licensed under the terms of http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

# we aren't using TLS because we are proxied by apache which handles that for us
ssl.enabled = false

# a simple sha256 is adequate for this internal-only usage
# to do better, look at https://shiro.apache.org/command-line-hasher.html
credentialsMatcher = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.Sha256CredentialsMatcher

iniRealm.credentialsMatcher = $credentialsMatcher

# adding users here implicitly adds "iniRealm =  org.apache.shiro.realm.text.IniRealm"

# to get the sha hash:
#    echo -n "passwordhere" | sha256sum  # but watch out, the password is in your shell history now!
# the -n is important, otherwise you'll get a newline.
# or get the Shiro Hasher tool


# roles that you implicitly created in the users section don't necessarily need to be listed here

# this is a "first match wins" config.

## Control functions open to anyone
/$/stats  = anon
/$/server  = anon
/$/ping   = anon

/fcrepo/query = authcBasic, roles[reader_role]
/** = authcBasic, roles[writer_role]

Andy Seaborne wrote on 7/17/18 12:32 PM:
Hi there,

> More concretely my question is, are PUT, POST, and DELETE requests
> considered "administrative" functions?

Admin operations are HTTP requests to the UI - the URLs start "/$/" not the graph management PUT, POST, and DELETE requests of SPARQL Graph Store Protocol (and the dataset URL also respects plain REST PUT, POST).

SPARQL Query can be over POST - large queries can be over the practical limits of HTTP GET and POST allows a query of any size to be set.

If you want detailed control, you can do some configuration by using the built-in Apache Shiro but it can be easier to put the Fuseki server behind a reverse proxy (Apache httpd, nginx, ...) because these systems have more detailed and sophisticated permissions control systems including load control.

Or run in Apache Tomcat as a WAR and use Tomcat controls.


Apache Shiro + REST

On 17/07/18 11:20, Jeffrey C. Witt wrote:
I was reading this security documentation (
https://jena.apache.org/documentation/fuseki2/fuseki-security.html) today
and had a small question.

Basically, I would like be able to make PUT, POST, DELETE requests from
localhost, while restricting public access to the SPARQL endpoint (requests
NOT originating from localhost) to GET only requests.

My question is whether according to the above documentation that is the
default configuration.

The docs say:

"In its default configuration, SPARQL endpoints are open to the public but
administrative functions are limited to localhost."

More concretely my question is, are PUT, POST, and DELETE requests
considered "administrative" functions?


Dan Pritts
ICPSR Computing & Network Services
University of Michigan

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