which type? in the function or in the data? both have to match, there is
no implicit conversion I guess.

On 09.08.2018 21:29, Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy wrote:
> But i have given the type as xsd:dateTime, so it should take it right?
> On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 3:24 PM, ajs6f <aj...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> 13:44:11 WARN  NodeValue            :: Datatype format exception:
>>> "1969-12-31T19:00:00"^^xsd:date
>> No, Jena is just telling you (quite correctly) that "1969-12-31T19:00:00"
>> is not an xsd:date. Notice the time that is included. xsd:date does not
>> include time.
>> ajs6f
>>> On Aug 9, 2018, at 2:35 PM, Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy <akris...@ncsu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Andy,
>>> I am getting the below error when i run the query against the dataset
>>> shared with you,
>>> PREFIX myfn: <java:samplejena.>
>>> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
>>> PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
>>> PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
>>> SELECT ?title ?r
>>> WHERE {
>>> ?s rdfs:seeAlso ?r.
>>> OPTIONAL {?r dc:title ?title.}
>>> FILTER ( isURI(?r) &&
>>> myfn:LastModified(?r) >
>>> "2005-11-06T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime )
>>> }
>>> 13:44:11 WARN  NodeValue            :: Datatype format exception:
>>> "1969-12-31T19:00:00"^^xsd:date
>>> Is this because of any old version or something?
>>> On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 6:34 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Good question - there is still a noticeable tail of com.hp.hpl, here and
>>>> on Stackoverflow.
>>>> Some is due to old apps; that is good in that the software is useful
>>>> enough to be used for such a long time.
>>>> I suspect that some of the rest is university courses providing the
>>>> materials that have not been updated.
>>>> (Jena3 was 2015-07-29)
>>>>    Andy
>>>> On 09/08/18 06:48, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
>>>>> I'm always wondering how people that are new to Apache Jena still use
>>>>> the old version. I mean, the first hit via Google is the Apache Jena
>>>>> webpage which clearly refers to the latest version.
>>>>> In the current case, he just copied the code example from [1] which
>>>>> indeed uses the old version given that the blog entry is from 2005.
>>>>> Well, at this time I didn't know about Semantic Web at all...
>>>>> [1] http://www.ldodds.com/projects/sparql/LastModified.txt
>>>>> On 08.08.2018 22:14, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>>>>> com.hp.hpl.jena -- that's Jena2.
>>>>>> Packages are "org.apache.jena" in Jena3.
>>>>>> The code seems to have been compiled against Jena2 and run against
>>>>>> Jena3.  That won't work.
>>>>>>     Andy
>>>>>> On 08/08/18 18:14, Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy wrote:
>>>>>>> The java code i am executing is,
>>>>>>> package samplejena;
>>>>>>> import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.expr.NodeValue;
>>>>>>> import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.function.FunctionBase1;
>>>>>>> import java.net.*;
>>>>>>> import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
>>>>>>> import java.util.*;
>>>>>>> public class LastModified extends FunctionBase1
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> private static final SimpleDateFormat format = new
>>>>>>> SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
>>>>>>> private Map _cache;
>>>>>>> public LastModified()
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> _cache = new HashMap();
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> public NodeValue exec(NodeValue nodeValue)
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> String value = nodeValue.asString();
>>>>>>> if (_cache.containsKey(value))
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> return (NodeValue)_cache.get(value);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>          String lastModified = "";
>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>> lastModified = getLastModified( nodeValue.asString() );
>>>>>>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>>>> // TODO Auto-generated catch block
>>>>>>> e.printStackTrace();
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>          NodeValue date = NodeValue.makeDate(lastModified);
>>>>>>>          _cache.put(value, date);
>>>>>>>          return date;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> public String getLastModified(String link) throws Exception
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> URL url = new URL(link);
>>>>>>> URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
>>>>>>> connection.setAllowUserInteraction(false);
>>>>>>> long secs = connection.getLastModified();
>>>>>>> String xsdDate = dateToXSD(secs);
>>>>>>> return xsdDate;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> public String dateToXSD(long secs)
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> Date date = new Date(secs);
>>>>>>> return format.format(date);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 1:14 PM, Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy
>>>>>>> <akris...@ncsu.edu>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Andy,
>>>>>>>> I am getting the following issue when i run the code,
>>>>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.hp.hpl.jena.query.
>>>>>>>> function.FunctionBase1
>>>>>>>> at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381)
>>>>>>>> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
>>>>>>>> at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.j
>>>>>>>> I have added the .class file in the directory. Do i need to package
>> the
>>>>>>>> dependancy jars also? Please advice.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Arun
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 2:11 PM, Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy <
>>>>>>>> akris...@ncsu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It is executing now Andy. Thanks a lot. I missed to add the
>> directory.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks again for this help.
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 2:06 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 07/08/18 18:07, Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> So my JENA_CP
>>>>>>>>>>> is JENA_CP='/home/ak/Downloads/apache-jena-3.8.0/lib/*:/home/ak
>>>>>>>>>>> /Documents'.
>>>>>>>>>> Does the file
>>>>>>>>>> /home/ak/Documents/samplejena/LastModified.class
>>>>>>>>>> exist?
>>>>>>>>>> /home/ak/Documents location has the classfile/jar of the code
>>>>>>>>>>> But still when i run this command,
>>>>>>>>>>> /home/ak/Downloads/apache-jena-3.8.0/bin/arq --data
>>>>>>>>>>> /home/ak/Desktop/dataset.rdf --query /home/ak/Desktop/query.rq
>>>>>>>>>>> I am getting the below error,
>>>>>>>>>>> ak@akrish12:~$ /home/ak/Downloads/apache-jena-3.8.0/bin/arq
>> --data
>>>>>>>>>>> /home/ak/Desktop/dataset.rdf --query /home/ak/Desktop/query.rq
>>>>>>>>>>> 12:41:35 WARN  ClsLoader            :: Class not found:
>>>>>>>>>>> samplejena.LastModified
>>>>>>>>>>> 12:41:35 WARN  exec                 :: URI
>>>>>>>>>>> <java:samplejena.LastModified>
>>>>>>>>>>> has no registered function factory
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------
>>>>>>>>>>> | title | r |
>>>>>>>>>>> =============
>>>>>>>>>>> -------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Arun
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 12:20 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> The list doesn't accept attachments.
>>>>>>>>>>>> JENA_CP="$JENA_HOME"'/home/ak/Documents'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This needs to be a valid java classpath.
>>>>>>>>>>>> $JENA_HOME is directory of the Jena installation.
>>>>>>>>>>>> In the original it says:
>>>>>>>>>>>> JENA_CP="$JENA_HOME"'/lib/*'
>>>>>>>>>>>> the .../lib/* (NB single quotes - no * expansion) puts all the
>>>>>>>>>>>> jars in
>>>>>>>>>>>> that direct on the classpath.
>>>>>>>>>>>> For you:
>>>>>>>>>>>> JENA_CP='/home/ak/Downloads/apache-jena-3.8.0/lib/*'
>>>>>>>>>>>> You need to add the package/classfile tree for you code.
>>>>>>>>>>>> As you have: java:samplejena
>>>>>>>>>>>> Suppoose /DIR is the top of that directory tree so "samplejena"
>>>>>>>>>>>> is one
>>>>>>>>>>>> directory within /DIR.
>>>>>>>>>>>> You then want:
>>>>>>>>>>>> JENA_CP='/home/afs/jlib/apache-jena/lib/*:/DIR'
>>>>>>>>>>>> : is the classpath separator.
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Andy
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 07/08/18 16:25, Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have attached the file with the change, i am getting Could
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not find
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> load main class arq.arq
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My classpath location is /home/ak/Documents. Please let me know
>>>>>>>>>>>>> whether
>>>>>>>>>>>>> my change is correct.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arun
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Andy Seaborne <
>> a...@apache.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Hi - Please send email to the jena users mailing list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>       (It is correct if it works!)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>            Andy

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