There is also an parser builder operation "resolveURIs(boolean flag)"

You can then check in the StreamRDF for relative URIs.


On 13/08/18 22:11, Andy Seaborne wrote:
Hi there,

First, even the base URI is made absolute. In Turtle

BASE <http://example/>
BASE <ns>

is legal to set the base from that point onward as <http://example/ns> and parsing starts with a base URI related to what the current directory is, or something (if in Fuseki where the file system is hidden - the security issue you mention).

The StackOverflow answer suggest creating a base URI that can be spotted <null:null> then in the StreamRDF that is the output for parsing, test for this error marking URI. Thsi works for any language.

To move it a step earlier, in parsing, subclass FactoryRDF and set that.
FactoryRDF.createURI(x) is what is creating the URI nodes (after URI resolution - you still need the base trick). This may not work with JsonLDReader.

JsonLDReader is slightly different to other parsers because it's external and because it internally does all parsing, then passes over an abstract syntax tree to Jena. And line/col info is lost :-(

If desperate, you can call JsonLDReader directly with a customized ParserProfile (subclass ParserProfileStd) but the StreamRDF way is general.


On 13/08/18 21:05, wrote:

On 2018/08/13 19:44:57, <> wrote:

On 2018/08/13 19:42:52, ajs6f <> wrote:
That response to that question is from Jan 10 of this year. RDFParser didn't even exist until recently. Andy and Rob give a set of pretty complete answers at that question starting in December, and the information is completely up-to-date, as far as I can see.


On Aug 13, 2018, at 3:36 PM, wrote:

I'm converting from JSON-LD to Jena using the following:
Model model     = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel()
And having the following JSON-LD:
  "@id": "";,
  "@type": "Person",
  "name": "a"
It will generate a model with the triple: @ file:///some/path/Person

I want the model to fail, throw an exception when some field is supposed to be an @id but it isn't and not to make up an id from my file path (If I expose this to the outside world is a big security issue).

Is the way to go as described on this StackOverflow response:

or is there a better way (note the response is from 2010)

My bad, I just misread the reply time. Sorry. Then I will do it this way. Thanks a lot
In any case

I see when the method createURI in FactoryRDFStd gets called, the "file:///some/path" fragment has already been prepended to the "Person" string (in the JSON-LD example). Is there a way or a place to intercept it before this happens? Because now I don't know if the customer really put that or if it got prepended by Jena

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