Let's slow down here a bit.

We can't give you any reasonable advice until you tell us _much_ more about 
your work. What is the data like? What kinds of queries are you doing? How are 
you running them? What do you expect to happen?

Please give us a great deal more context.


> On Dec 7, 2018, at 11:45 AM, HYP <hyphy...@163.com> wrote:
> I store the 1.4B triples in two steps. Firstly, I made 886 rdf files, each of 
> which contains 1615837 triples. Then, I upload them into TDB using Fuseki. 
> This is a huge job. Are you sure that named graphs have better performance?
> Then how to build named graphs?
> On 12/7/2018 23:48,Vincent Ventresque<vincent.ventres...@ens-lyon.fr> wrote:
> Do you mean -Xms = 64G ?
> N.B. : with 1.4 B triples, you should have better performance using
> named graphs.
> Le 07/12/2018 à 16:37, 胡云苹 a écrit :
> My memory is 64G and my setting is no upper limit.
> On 12/7/2018 23:34,Vincent Ventresque<vincent.ventres...@ens-lyon.fr>
> <mailto:vincent.ventres...@ens-lyon.fr> wrote:
> Hello
> How do you run fuseki? you can increase java memory limit with
> java options :
> java -jar -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m fuseki-server.jar 
> (where  4096m = 4 Go, but could be 8192m or more)
> N.B. : I'm not a specialist, don't know if -Xms and -Xmx must be
> the same
> If I remember correctly the memory limit is 1.2 Go when you run
> './fuseki start' or './fuseki-server'
> Vincent
> Le 07/12/2018 à 16:23, 胡云苹 a écrit :
> Dear jena,
> I have built a graph with 1.4 billion triples and store it as a
> data set in TDB through Fuseki upload system. Now, I try to make
> some sparql search, the speed is very slow.
> For example, when I make the sqarql in Fuseki in the following,
> it takes 50 seconds. How can I improve the speed?
> -

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