Hi Andy,

I am running Version 3.10.0. The problem with reloading the database is the 
regular (multiple times a day) recurrence of the problem, so if there are any 
strategies to avoid it, I'd appreciate any advice.



Von: Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. März 2019 21:12
An: users@jena.apache.org
Betreff: Re: AW: Error 500: No conversion to a Node: <RDF_Term >

Hi Andreas - which version are you running?

It does not look like the  corruption problem, which is now fixed.

The best thing to do is reload the database again. Whatever terms were
messed up are permanently damaged I'm afraid.


On 07/03/2019 10:49, Walker, Andreas wrote:
> Dear all,
> as a quick follow-up which might be helpful in identifying the error; I can 
> currently run a SPARQL query (just listing any triples) with LIMIT 80, but no 
> higher, before I run into the error, so it seems like there might indeed be a 
> particular part of the database that is corrupted.
> Best,
> Andreas
> ________________________________
> Von: Walker, Andreas <andreas.wal...@sub.uni-goettingen.de>
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. März 2019 10:42:32
> An: users@jena.apache.org
> Betreff: Error 500: No conversion to a Node: <RDF_Term >
> Dear all,
> from time to time, my Fuseki server starts throwing the following error 
> message on any SPARQL query I pose to one of my graphs:
> "Error 500: No conversion to a Node: <RDF_Term >"
> Unfortunately, I couldn't find any explanation of this error message, beyond 
> a discussion of a corrupted TDB2 database.
> (https://users.jena.apache.narkive.com/LF4XE801/corrupted-tdb2-database)<https://users.jena.apache.narkive.com/LF4XE801/corrupted-tdb2-database>
> Once this happens, the only thing I could do so far is to drop the entire 
> afflicted graph and rebuild it, but of course that isn't going to be a viable 
> solution in the long term.
> The only way I interact with Fuseki is by starting and stopping it, querying 
> it via the SPARQL endpoint (and sometimes through the web interface, e.g. 
> when troubleshooting my application), and uploading new triples (as turtle 
> files) via the web interface. I haven't been able to find a pattern in when 
> the error appears so far.
> Any insights into why this error appears, and what to do in order to avoid 
> it? I'd appreciate any help.
> Best,
> Andreas

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