AFAIK there are no "plain numeric literals". That's just syntactic
sugar for numbers in Turtle:

The semantics of both forms are the same, so does it really matter?

On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 2:07 PM Miika Alonen <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have existing system that uses plain numeric literals in graphs like:
> ex:prop sh:order 2 .
> I'v been trying to add new literals using jena, but don't know how to create 
> plain numeric literals. I tried this and it is working for Booleans but not 
> Integers:
> propShape.addLiteral(SH.order, 4)
> propShape.addLiteral(SH.closed, true)
> Result:
> ex:prop sh:order    "4"^^xsd:long .
> ex:prop sh:closed true .
> Expected result:
> ex:prop sh:order 4 .
> ex:prop sh:closed true .
> Is there a way to create these kind of numerical plain literals in Jena?
> Br, Miika

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