On 14/06/2019 18:13, Marco Neumann wrote:
I am collecting jena loader benchmarks. if you have results please post
them directly.


On a linux machine I am using "time" to collect data.

Is there a flag on tdb2.tdbloader to report time and triples per second?

It does (if time >1 second)

INFO  Time = 11.755 seconds : Triples = 1,000,312 : Rate = 85,097 /s

what do you see?

I have noticed that storage space use for tdbloader2 is significantly
smaller on disk compared to tdbloader and tdb2.tdbloader. Is there a
straight forward explanation here?

tdbloader2 create full packed B+Trees.

However, as updates happen, these will grow to more like the other loaders as node splitting occurs.

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