> When XML parser parses the document it internally adds a slash '/'
between  the namespace and  the local name.

Are you sure that is the case? Sounds weird and likely non-conformant.

If you can’t change the existing XSLT stylesheet, you could pipeline the
RDF/XML through a second one which removes the slashes.

This has little to do with Jena really.

On Fri, 5 Jul 2019 at 09.59, Claude Warren <cla...@xenei.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> Background:
> I have an externally curated XML file that I run through an XSLT transform
> to create an RDF XML file to load into Jena.
> The namespace URIs in the XML  end with a valid XML nameChar (i,e, not a
> slash '/' or hash '#').  When XML parser parses the document it internally
> adds a slash '/' between  the namespace and  the local name.  Jena does
> not.
> So:
> <item xmlns="http://example.com"; />
> in the XML parser and XSL transformer become:
> <http://example.com/item />
> but in Jena becomes
> <http://example.comitem />
> As the xml is externally curated I can not easily change the xmlns elements
> to contain the XML parser inserted trailing slash.
> The XSLT namespaces must match the XML namespaces to correctly function.
> Question:
> Is there a flag that can be used during parsing of XML formatted RDF data
> that will cause the system to insert the XML expected slash '/' ?
> Claude
> --
> I like: Like Like - The likeliest place on the web
> <http://like-like.xenei.com>
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren

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