On 31/08/2019 15:23, Steve Vestal wrote:
I am able to pull the release jars following the instructions on the
Jena web pages, using

     <!-- https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/releases/ -->

However, this is not sufficient to turn on JavaDoc tooltips in the
Eclipse IDE (I'm pulling these into a Maven Plug-In project).  Setting
Maven preferences and build goals to include source does not work.  Is
there a repository and artifactId to pull jars that include the javadoc?

Under "Maven Dependencies", do yo see the jars with the little text icon modifier? and if you right-click->properties, does it give the javadoc location? (mine seems to be "off" and I don't belive I have ever set/uset it)

But my machine already has the javadoc so I checked a project that only uses apache-jena-libs <type>pom and Eclipse shows "Maven Dependencies" and each has the javadoc attached.

You can also try:

 mvn dependency:resolve dependency:sources

I think having the source should be enough and you can browse/debug the source


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