On 31/08/2019 21:08, Brian McBride wrote:
Hi Andy,

I have tried out my build of pull request #595.  I installed it on our dev server (by replacing the fuseki-server.jar in 3.9.0 installation).

There is good news and some not so good news.

The good news is this nicely addresses the issue I raised in this email thread.  I was able to configure the timeouts settings in a way that meets our use case and it seems to work fine.

Thank you.

There are two bits of not so good news.

1) I think the main class of the fuseki-server.jar has been renamed and moved and so line 304 of jena-fuseki2/apache-jena-fuseki/fuseki (the inet.d script) needs to be updated to reflect this change.

From what to what?

Are you mixing Fuseki Main (FusekiMainCmd) with Fuseki Full (FusekiCmd) packagings / running a 3.9.0 script with your new build?

2) I ran our integration tests with the 3.13.0-SNAPSHOT installed and got a JENA text problem.  A simplifed version of the query is:


PREFIX  xsd:  <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX  text: <http://jena.apache.org/text#>
PREFIX  ppd: <http://landregistry.data.gov.uk/def/ppi/>
PREFIX  lrcommon: <http://landregistry.data.gov.uk/def/common/>
       text:query            ( "street:  the" 3000000 ) .


The fuseki log shows


Cannot parse 'text:street: the  ': Encountered " ":" ": "" at line 1, column 11.


This works in 3.9.0.

Our application indexes multiple properties in different fields.

I haven't had time to have a look into why this might be. Figured someone might know of some changes in this area since 3.9.0?

Pass - but there have been significant improvement to jena-text in the last few releases.


Best wishes

On 29/08/2019 16:16, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> * I'm not familiar with the process - did I have to do my own build -
> or was their somewhere I could have pulled a ready built war file?

Until it is merged, that's the way to do it.

The flow is

* submit pull request
* merge
* builds (Java 8 (15mins polling), Java 11, Java 14 (once a day)) ;
* mark JIRA as "Resolved"
* development SNAPSHOT builds (Java8, nightly)

* release build for vote
* release ; Mark JIRA closed.

with discussion at any point (and after)


On 29/08/2019 15:06, Brian McBride wrote:
Thanks for the update.

I have done a build* based on the pull request and will try it out in a test environment, hopefully in the next few days.

I have one comment on the documentation (after a preliminary read). Where it says


The context is the merge of the server's context, any additional settings on the dataset and any settings for the endpoint. The merge is performed in that order - server then dataset then endpoint.


Its not clear from that what sort of merge is being done.  Do settings on the server context override settings on the dataset context override ... or the other way round.  I think I know what you mean - its last one wins.  Clearer might be something like


The context is the merge of the server's context, any additional settings on the dataset and any settings for the endpoint. Where settings conflict, settings on the endpoint override settings on the dataset and both override settings in the server context.


Thanks again

* I'm not familiar with the process - did I have to do my own build - or was their somewhere I could have pulled a ready built war file?


On 28/08/2019 20:45, Andy Seaborne wrote:

Documentation draft (temp location):



On 06/08/2019 15:00, Brian McBride wrote:
Hi Andy,

That looks good.  I'd be happy to help test it out when you get to that point.


On 05/08/2019 17:56, Andy Seaborne wrote:
Hi Brian,

There is work-in-progress to improve configuration : JENA-1731. This includes setting context on endpoint and dataset as well as server.


On 05/08/2019 13:57, Brian McBride wrote:
I have just had a problem with query timeout overrides when upgrading to Fuseki 3.12.0.  I think the issue is related to JENA-1620 [1] which was deployed with Jena 3.10.0.

Essentially, JENA-1620 modified the query timeout override functionality to constrain timeout overrides so that they must be less than the timeout specified in the Fuseki configuration. We have a production system that relies on being able override timeouts with a value greater than that specified in the Fuseki configuration file.

My question is - what is the best way for us to implement our use case using Fuseki?  We don't have to do it the way we used to do it, but some guidance on how to approach the problem would be welcome.

We have  single largish (500M triples) dataset.  We expose a SPARQL query endpoint to this data dataset to the public on the internet, and naturally, we specify a timeout.

We also have internal applications that query the same dataset. Their queries takes longer than the public timeout.

Prior to Fuseki 3.10.0 we could we could do this:

  * two services were configured in the Fuseki config.ttl file
      o a public service
      o a private service
  * both services shared the same dataset
      o the dataset was configured with a timeout suitable for queries
        from the public internet
  * the private service was configured to allow query timeout override
      o which we used to give our internal services more time than
        specified in the configuration file
      o this does not work after JENA-1620
  * our proxy configuration ensured that queries from the internet can
    only reach the public service

I have included a simplified version of our config.ttl file below [2].

I've been thinking about ways of achieving the desired effect whilst respecting the change introduced by JENA-1620.  An obvious approach would be to duplicate the dataset and set different timeouts on the different datasets.  This would mean that the two datasets were competing for memory and I would rather not do that as it is likely to have a negative impact on performance.

I've been thinking about other approaches also, but I'll spare you those as there might be a real simple solution I'm unaware of.

Is there a way to configure Fuseki so that different timeouts can be set for different classes of requestor?


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-1620


[] rdf:type fuseki:Server ;
    ja:context [ ja:cxtName "arq:queryTimeout" ; ja:cxtValue "90000,120000" ] ;

    fuseki:services (
    ) .

[] ja:loadClass "com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDB" .
tdb:DatasetTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .
tdb:GraphTDB    rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

<#service_ds> rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
     rdfs:label                             "TDB Service" ;
     fuseki:name                            "public" ;
     fuseki:serviceQuery                    "query" ;
     fuseki:dataset                         <#ds> ;

     rdfs:label                            "TDB Service Query with timeout override" ;
     fuseki:name                           "private" ;
     fuseki:allowTimeoutOverride           true;
     fuseki:serviceQuery                   "query" ;
     fuseki:dataset                        <#ds> ;

<#ds> rdf:type      tdb:DatasetTDB ;
                     tdb:location "/var/lib/fuseki/databases/DS" ;
                     tdb:unionDefaultGraph true ;

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