I am incorrect, and apologize. Virtuoso's Jena 3 driver includes an
implementation of Dataset, and so while application is only using the
virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtGraph and
virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtuosoQueryExecution (and factory), a more flexible
integration is possible. I look forward to experimenting with it and seeing
what I can do on the backend.

On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 10:19 AM Dan Davis <dansm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Virtuoso's Jena driver implements the model interface, rather than the
> DatasetGraphAPI.  is translating the SPARQL query into its own JDBC
> interface. You can see the architecture at
> http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfnativestorageprovidersjena/#rdfnativestorageprovidersjenawhatisv.
>  However,
> Virtuoso has its own full-text indexing, which can be effective. Its rules
> for translating words into queries is not as flexible as
> lucene/solr/elastic, but it does allow you to specify what should be
> indexed - e.g. which objects from which which data properties in which
> graphs.
> I use Virtuoso behind virt_jena and virt_jdbc.  You can see the code at
> https://github.com/HHS/lodestar, which is run underneath
> https://github.com/HHS/meshrdf.   You will see that
> https://github.com/HHS/lodestar is a fork from EBI, but the NLM copy has
> been updated to Jena 3. The EBI version is ahead on UI features however.
> I cannot speak to MarkLogic, Stardog, etc.
> EBI's lodestar still uses Jena 2, but the fork at HHS has been updated to
> Jena 3.
> Virtuoso has its own full-text indexing, which is not as flexible in how
> it indexes as Elastic/Solr/Lucene.   It still works.
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 7:03 AM Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Yes, probably - but.
>> The Jena text index will work in conjunction with any (Jena)
>> DatasetGraphAPI implementation. 3rd party systems are not tested in the
>> build.
>> The "but" is efficiency. Both those systems have their own built-in text
>> indexing which execute as part of the native query engine. This may be a
>> factor for you, it may not.
>> Let us know how you get on trying it.
>> ----
>> There is a SPARQL 1.2 issue about standardizing text query.
>> Issue 40 : SPARQL 1.2 Community Group:
>> https://github.com/w3c/sparql-12/issues/40
>>      Andy
>> On 12/09/2019 02:53, Alex To wrote:
>> > Hi
>> >
>> > I have so far been happy with Jena + Lucene / Elastic. Just trying to
>> get a
>> > quick answer whether it can work with other Jena based API like
>> Virtuoso /
>> > MarkLogic.
>> >
>> > If I wrap a MarkLogic Dataset in a Jena TextDataset, can it work as
>> > expected ?
>> >
>> > Given that a MarkLogic / Virtuoso Dataset implements Jena Dataset
>> > interface, it may work but I am not sure because the "text:query" seems
>> to
>> > be more Jena specific.
>> >
>> > I will try out myself in the next couple of days to see if it works but
>> if
>> > there is a quick answer it may save me a couple of hours :)
>> >
>> > Thank a lot
>> >
>> > Regards
>> >

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