This might help:


On Wed, 25 Sep 2019 at 15.10, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> INSERT DATA does not take quads directly.
> The form is
> INSERT DATA { GRAPH <graph> { triples } }
> What *may* work is using Trig to insert.
>      Andy
> On 25/09/2019 12:06, Mark Hissink Muller wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I encounter a strange QueryParseException when building my UpdateRequest
> to add a named model remotely from my Java client application.
> >
> > I've progressed since my last question regarding inserts to a remote
> repository [1]. Thanks again Andy and Claude for your kind suggestions.
> Among other, I've understood that data insert calls should be directed at
> "http://[servername]/rdf4j-server/repositories/[repo_name]/statements";.
> I've learned that a model should be serialized in NQUADS format into the
> request and that TURTLE does not work. Based on this, calling the server
> works well for dropping graphs and for inserting _unnamed_ models.
> >
> > However, I am unable to insert data for a _named_ model/graph remotely.
> My approach - which fails when adding the serialized model to the
> UpdateRequest - is as follows.
> >
> >      ...
> >      // prepare the model we would like to load
> >      Model model = prepareModel(..);
> >
> >      // create a dataset and add the model to it with a proper context
> >      Dataset dataset = dataset = DatasetFactory.create();
> >      dataset.addNamedModel(modelNameUri, model);
> >
> >      // serialise the dataset to an outputStream in NQUADS format
> >      RDFDataMgr.write(outputStream, dataset, RDFFormat.NQUADS);
> >
> >      // build the full request by adding the prefix, the outputStream
> and the suffix
> >      String insertDataRequest = "INSERT DATA { " +
> outputStream.toString() + "}";
> >      UpdateRequest updateRequest =
> UpdateFactory.create(insertDataRequest);
> >
> >      // create the processor and fire off the request
> >      UpdateProcessor updateProcessor =
> UpdateExecutionFactory.createRemoteForm(updateRequest, postUrl);
> >      updateProcessor.execute();
> >      ...
> >
> > This code fails down in the UpdateFactory where a QueryParseException is
> thrown that tells that the fourth element (which is the model name /
> modelNameUri) is not expected. Strange thing is that the serialized NQUADS
> look ok.
> >
> > When using an alternative approach and trying to build an request with
> an UpdateBuilder (as Claude suggested), I don't see how I can set the model
> name/uri for the model. It should be possible to add this either at
> creation or afterwards (rather than with every added triple), I presume…?
> >
> > What is the recommended approach to add a named model...? Are there
> perhaps any examples...?
> >
> > Much appreciated.
> >
> > Best, Mark
> >
> > [1] -
> >
> >

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