
There is more machinery around the algebra for running visitor patterns over algebra expressions than there is for syntax (ElementVisitor). RecursiveElementVisitor applies an ElementVisitor over an abstract syntax tree.

There isn't anything I know of to do the analysis of the pattern. The nearest is the BGP reorder code [*] would reorder those two triple patterns but its doing a different job and is only working on basic graph patterns.


[*] ReorderFixed, ReorderTransformationSubstitution

On 07/10/2019 02:13, Bart van Leeuwen wrote:

I'm looking for some examples to analyze a sparql query e.g.

select * where { ?s a ?t . ?s <http://example.com#b> ?x }

I would like to be able to infer that ?t is rdf:class

and that ?x is related to ?s by ex#b

I've looked at Query.getQueryPattern() and the walker but couldn't find a nice example of how to do this.

Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards
Bart van Leeuwen

twitter: @semanticfire
tel. +31(0)6-53182997
Netage B.V.
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