Hello Br,

> On Jan 9, 2020, at 3:34 AM, Mikael Pesonen <mikael.peso...@lingsoft.fi> wrote:
> Hi,
> I asked about these few years ago so maybe there is some new ideas.
> 1) Is it possible to config text index so that it would add, for example, all 
> textual values (xsd:string etc) to index automatically? Now every property 
> has to be configured manually.

No it is not currently possible. Perhaps more detail on how you would see using 
such a feature and how you would handle various literal datatypes (convert all 
to xsd:string?) and then how would you search, currently searches are focussed 
on one or more properties - a recent update allows to provide a list of 
properties that can be searched in a single Lucene search. More detail is 
available at https://jena.apache.org/documentation/query/text-query.html 

> 2) Is there planned support for searching similar resources, based on the 
> Lucene index?

I’m not aware of any such plans. More detail would be needed to evaluate 
feasibility, in particular how to recognize resources as similar.

Please note that the Jena+Lucene model is to index individual triples as Lucene 
documents not entire graphs or models which in turn leads to indexing and 
searching focussed on properties.


> Br
> -- 

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