> On Jul 2, 2020, at 17:44, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 02/07/2020 21:55, Chris Tomlinson wrote:
>>> From what I can see, it (WARN) isn't database related.
>> No it seems to me to be related to getting the payload off the wire.
> I think you said the same payload had been sent before.
> ??

Yes a copy/clone of the same payload, i.e., the serialization of the given 
graph, has been sent many times w/o issue.

> ...
>>> Even the concurrency looks OK because it locally writes a buffer so the 
>>> HTTP length is available.
> (in case of corruption, not repeat, is happening)
>> So it seems to me that there may be an opportunity for some sort of 
>> robustification in RDFConnection. There is evidently a loop somewhere that 
>> doesn't terminate, retrying the parsing repeatedly or something like that. 
>> The payload is finite so there wold appear to be a test that repeatedly 
>> fails but doesn't make progress in consuming the payload.
> RDFConnection (client-side) is sending, not parsing.

I'm referring to the Fuseki receiving end of the connection, where the WARNing 
is being logged.

> The WARN says that an empty <RDF_StreamRow > was seen.
> There is no information about the stalled transactions although not finishing 
> the write would explain this:
> 30-Jun-2020 16:21:30.778
> java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:345)
> org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport.read(TIOStreamTransport.java:127)
> so it's waiting for input. What's the proxy/reverse-proxy setup?

None. For the client on the same ec2 instance, obviously none; and for the 
client on a second ec2 instance, we have nothing between our two internal ec2's

In the current situation, the two precipitating PUTs are from a client on the 
same ec2 instance.

> The code writes the payload to a ByteArrayOutputStream and sends those bytes. 
> That's how it gets the length for the HTTP header.
> https://github.com/apache/jena/blob/master/jena-rdfconnection/src/main/java/org/apache/jena/rdfconnection/RDFConnectionRemote.java#L615
> (run Fuseki with "verbose" to see the headers ... but it is quite verbose)
> It sent something so the RDF->Thrift->bytes had finished and then it sent 
> bytes.

As I tried to clarify, my remarks were w.r.t. the Fuseki/receiving end where 
the issue is getting logged. Not the sending/client end.


> Anyway - you have the source code ... :-)
>    Andy

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