On 22/07/2020 22:26, Chris Tomlinson wrote:

Well the first question is really a trig question.

Trick question?

When is the new style BASE versus the old style @base to be preferred in trig 

IMO Always.

To the parsers it makes no difference.

I set:
RIOT.getContext().set(RIOT.symTurtleDirectiveStyle, "sparql");

in projects to get it in output.

The RIOT question is in Jena 3.16.0 and earlier. I try:

     riot --count C1.trig

and get the result:

     C1.trig         : Quads = 43

which is correct. But when I try:

     riot --out=Turtle C1.trig > tmp.ttl

Different issue to BASE vs @base.

Because Turtle can't express named graphs so all you get is the default graph and the default graph is empty.

Try --out=trig

Try --out=TTL on:

PREFIX : <http://example/>

:s :p :o .
:g1 { :s1 :p1 :o1  }


PS "riot" is included ... in Fuseki jars!

java -cp apache-jena-fuseki-3.16.0/fuseki-server.jar riotcmd.riot -h

all I get is the prefix map:

@base          <bdg:C1> .
@prefix :      <http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/core/> .
@prefix adm:   <http://purl.bdrc.io/ontology/admin/> .
@prefix bda:   <http://purl.bdrc.io/admindata/> .
@prefix bdg:   <http://purl.bdrc.io/graph/> .
@prefix bdr:   <http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/> .
@prefix owl:   <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdf:   <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs:  <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix skos:  <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
@prefix vcard: <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#> .
@prefix xsd:   <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

The result I get is not dependent on the particular trig file. I see the same 
regardless as long as it is valid trig.

The result doesn’t appear to depend on whether I use riot or trig commands, 
with —out=Turtle or —out=TTL

The trig file, with the above prefixes, is:

bdg:C1 {
     bda:C1  a               adm:AdminData ;
         :isRoot             true ;
         adm:adminAbout      bdr:C1 ;
         adm:facetIndex      10 ;
         adm:gitPath         "1a/C1.trig" ;
         adm:gitRepo         bda:GR0001 ;
         adm:graphId         bdg:C1 ;
         adm:logEntry        bda:LG3EE3DD277F0A15A6 , bda:LGE00E23B3D66F3F4C ;
         adm:metadataLegal   bda:LD_BDRC_CC0 ;
         adm:status          bda:StatusReleased .
         a                   adm:LogEntry ;
         adm:logDate         "2016-04-07T14:21:14.309Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
         adm:logWho          bdr:U00004 .
         a                   adm:LogEntry ;
         adm:logDate         "2010-03-18T14:58:49.484Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
         adm:logWho          bdr:U00019 .
bdr:C1 a :Corporation ;
         rdfs:comment        "yab gzhis family" ;
         skos:prefLabel      "glang mdun (yab gzhis)"@bo-x-ewts ;
         :corporationHasMember  bdr:CM2B0540E276FB5DC4 , bdr:CM8166D8F547C8220F 
, bdr:CMAD95D8DC86690FCB , bdr:CMB71EF278AA02337E , bdr:CMDCD0949DAFDA27BD , 
bdr:CME4512919AE9C9D8E ;
         :corporationRegion  bdr:G1390 ;
         :isRoot             true ;
         :note               bdr:NT7DD9D48BDB5A3582 .
         a                   :CorporationMemberUnknown ;
         :corporationMember  bdr:P7067 .
         a                   :CorporationMemberBlood ;
         :corporationMember  bdr:P6682 .
         a                   :CorporationMemberBlood ;
         :corporationMember  bdr:P197 .
         a                   :CorporationMemberBlood ;
         :corporationMember  bdr:P6681 .
         a                   :CorporationMemberNotSpecified ;
         :corporationMember  bdr:P2LS149 .
         a                   :CorporationMemberBlood ;
         :corporationMember  bdr:P6680 .
         a                   :Note ;
         :noteText           "This is the family of the 13th Dalai Lama.  
..."@en .

I’m sure I’m doing something dum b here. I’m prompted to ask since the little 
tool I’ve been using (rdf2rdf-1.0.1-2.3.1.jar and rdf2rdf-1.0.2-2.3.1.jar) 
doesn’t like new style BASE.


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