General comment: it is a good idea to validate the data before trying to load the data. If there is an error in the data a long way into the file, the bulk loader has already been domign some wokr so i

So if the data can have errors, it is useful to do a check by reading it with "riot" first before attempting to load it.



[ and ] are not allowed in the path part of an IRI either.


On 18/12/2020 07:29, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
As the error message indicates, white spaces are not allowed in IRIs -
you have to percent encode white spaces

On 18.12.20 04:55, Murphy wrote:
11:39:07 ERROR riot            :: [line: 2415, col: 40] Bad character in IRI (space): 
org.apache.jena.riot.RiotException: [line: 2415, col: 40] Bad character in IRI 
(space): <河西[space]...>

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