Looks like there is an accidental huge literal in the data. With 32G RAM import succeeded but number of quads became 45M. Number of lines in trig file is 75M.

On 12/03/2021 19.04, Andy Seaborne wrote:
Maybe an unclosed string literal or URI

Run through "riot" and see what the last parsed graph/triple is.

On 12/03/2021 15:17, Mikael Pesonen wrote:


I'm trying to import 8G trig file which is dumped from Jena. However 16G of RAM isn't enough so I'm trying to split the trig file and import in parts. First part is 26000000 lines, but import fails:

ERROR Fuseki          :: [line: 26000001, col: 1 ] Out of place: [EOF]

tail of first part is (quotes added)

             a <http://data.finlex.fi/schema/sfl/Preamble> ;
<http://data.finlex.fi/eli/sd/2014/610/luku/9/pykala/2/momentti/1/johdanto/alkup> .


so it should be ok. What could cause the error? Btw is there a better way to copy data than using a trig dump file when it's too big for import?

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Mikael Pesonen
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