What I mean is really simple. Basically I'd like to send queries like this to 

    SELECT ?l
    WHERE { ?s rdfs:label ?l }

this is not a valid query because it does not define the rdfs prefix. But I'd 
like to prepend some standard prefixes to every incoming request before they 
are executed. So the request above is transformed into this before being 

    PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
    SELECT ?l
    WHERE { ?s rdfs:label ?l }

Now I've made an example with rdfs and I hope it's simple enough and that it 
makes sense. In practice, I'd like to have a list of prefixes, even custom 
ones. My endgoal is that I can send queries without having to define any PREFIX 
because they are automatically attached by the server, at every request. If I 
need any particular prefix, or if I need to override one of the default 
prefixes, than those will be specified in the specific query.

Hope it makes sense, thank you.

> Sent: Friday, September 03, 2021 at 8:35 AM
> From: "Michael Wechner" <michael.wech...@wyona.com>
> To: users@jena.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Fuseki: how can I inject standard prefixes to every query?
> can you give an example?
> Thanks
> Michael

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