Hi Ryan,

On 09/09/2021 17:08, Shaw, Ryan wrote:
I would like to use Xerces2 2.12.1 (with support for XML Schema 1.1) as the 
Jena XML parser, specifically to gain support for XSD 1.1 datatypes.

XML 1.1 != XSD 1.1

Jena supports the XSD datatypes relevant to RDF independently of XML.

What is your usage scenario?

I see at [1] that “any XML parser can be used with Jena … through the usual 
mechanism for adding to the application.”

But I don’t know what that usual mechanism is.

For Java:


The Xerces docs say something about the Java Endorsed Standards Override 
Mechanism, but elsewhere I see that this has been deprecated.

What’s the recommended way to do this for Jena?



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