Dear all,

I'm experiencing a performance issue that I can't understand... I'm using:
- Jena 3.14.0 , Fuseki (I'm testing in the web interface)
- TDB1
- none.opt
- this configuration:
(with some variable substitutions)
- the relevant data is all contained in this file:

a minimal version of the query is the following, with the relevant comments:

prefix : <>
prefix bdr: <>

   bdr:MW23703_1183 ?instp ?insto .
   ?t ?tp ?to .
   ?ancestor :hasPart ?ancestorPart .
   # this next line is weird: comment it and you gain 200ms in the
long query, but the variables are not bound anyways
   ?ancestor ?ancestorp ?ancestoro .
   # in this form (no line commented), the query takes 1.5 to 2s
   # comment any of the lines and the performance improvement is very dramatic
   bdr:MW23703_1183 ?instp ?insto . # 200ms alone
   bdr:MW23703_1183 :hasTitle ?t . ?t ?tp ?to . #245ms alone
   bdr:MW23703_1183 :partOf+ ?ancestor . ?ancestor :hasPart
?ancestorPart . # 200ms alone

so it seems that the issue is not just one bgp that needs optimization
but some sort of interaction between the various components? Is there
something I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

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