
I'm implementing a Reader that extracts <script
type="application/ld+json"> from HTML and then uses JsonLDReader to
parse that data.

I've got a few questions in the process:

1. How does one obtain the default ParserProfile and ErrorHandler?
Currently I'm using

    ParserProfile profile =
RiotLib.profile(HtmlJsonLDReaderFactory.HTML, null,

but internally the method it calls are all deprecated.

2. Can multiple StreamRDF be combined into one? There might be
multiple <script> elements and the reader should merge the data from
them. I attempted

    public void read(Reader in, String baseURI, Lang lang, StreamRDF
output, Context context)
        for (Element element : jsonLdElements)
            String jsonLd = element.data();
            getJsonLDReader().read(new StringReader(jsonLd), baseURI,
JSONLD.getContentType(), output, context);

but only the first element gets read, I guess because
getJsonLDReader().read() calls output.start()/output.finish().

Full Reader code:


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