Hi Andrew,

Thank you for letting us know.

Rob spotted that the log4j project security page has been updated:


revising it to critical 9/10

We've already started a vote on Jena 4.3.2 with log4j 2.16.0.


(we are not bypassing the need to have the proper votes for a release)

Very few changes in 4.3.2 but - bonus prize! - JENA-2215 (make sure logging is in the war file) is included.


On 17/12/2021 21:33, Andrii Berezovskyi wrote:
Hello Andy,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in a recent discussion on Lobsters [1] it was 
brought to my attention that there apparently exists a bypass [2] of the fix in 2.15.0 
that brings back the RCE. To be clear, the new exploit no longer requires fiddling with 
the Thread Context Map settings. The CVE page [3] now says "This vulnerability has 
been modified since it was last analyzed by the NVD. It is awaiting reanalysis which may 
result in further changes to the information provided.", which means that the 
original score 3.7/10 no longer applies to the new CVE.

Harri, the WAR file of the 4.3.1 was missing log4j JARs and I had success 
simply placing 2.16.0 JARs myself. You should be able to use that as a 
temporary mitigation until the new version comes out.


[3]: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-45046

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