Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for the information! It is good to know what things still work.

Does the reload on keystore change work with "Lets Encrypt!"?

I've created JENA-2284 [1] to make sure the example gets updated.

Fuseki/Main has a special support

  https certificate access details.
  JSON file { "cert":FILE , "passwd"; SECRET }

but this isn't trying to be a complete solution.

Eventually, (no timescale - several things to get sorted out first), the standalong fuseki-server will be that code.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-2284

On 16/02/2022 12:32, Vladimir Shestakov wrote:
Successfully run Fuseki 4.4.0 (Jetty 10.0.7) with option "--jetty-config
fuseki-jetty-https.xml" on this config (see below).
For Fuseki 4.2.0 (Jetty 10.0.6) it works too.
It based on config from examples (
and updated: removed useless <Property>, added option to reload on keystore
change, optimized a little.



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